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What has been your lightest usage pattern in which you experienced dermo?

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Dad, scientist, gardener, living in the SE USA
Hey folks,

I'm, quite fortunately for my wallet, a real kava lightweight. Nights where I want to get nice and lifted, I triple wash 2 tbsp medium grind (hot water blender method). I often have to have a clear mind at night for work, so I may have nothing, or something light, like 2 kava candies (@Steve- these really are great! I had a super nice flight Friday all thanks to you!), a bit of instant, 1 tbsp medium grind, etc. I'd say I drink kava nearly every day (haven't touched alcohol since discovering kava), but less than half are 'heavy' days exceeding 1 tbsp medium grind or equivalent.

So here's my question: what has been your lightest usage pattern in which you experienced dermo, or any other side-effects from chronic use?

I'm curious about how close I am to the 'demo zone', though of course I realize that everyone's body chemistry is different. Many thanks for taking the time to respond!


Kava Lover
Everyone will react much differently. 2 TBS of medium grind shouldn't cause any problems. Beyond that you may get dry skin occasionally in some areas but it's not really dermo in my opinion unless you've got flakes or cracks in your skin. For me the 4 TBS range has given me occasional mild to moderate dermo but it can go away for months without changing my habits. Micronized is going to increase your chances of dermo and so will the weather, the kind of kava you are using, and many personal variables. Most of my dermo appears on my hands.
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