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Member Soapbox Who Gives a Crap About the Kavapedia?


Bula To Eternity
I post a lot of replies here, but create many new discussion Threads? Well not so much. But I'm creating this one, because it's about something I'm very passonite about.

What is the Kavapedia? Well there are two basic things on this site. One is the Discussion Forums where there are tons of great and lively discussion on a vareity of interesting topics about Kava here. This is where all the action is at.

And then there's the Kavapedia. It's a place that contains a collection of reference articles that define and describe Kava from a multitude of angles and perspectives.

The Kavapedia and the Discussion Forums are like a ying and yang to each other. One is free flowing discussion about virtually anything under the sun regarding Kava. While the Kavapedia is more like a static boring place to find information and research topics on all aspects about Kava.

Now the reason I'm so passionate about this, is that I'm a relative newbee and I have a certain perspective that I want to share, before I lose it. For everyone of you, there are maybe 10 or more persons out there that are "exactly" just like you. They don't know a thing about Kava, but are interested or are curious and want to know more about it. Who knows how they first heard about it or how they stumbled upon this site, but here they are. They are not members, they are lurkers. And looking..... curious, searching, seeking for their own personal reasons. They need information and are probably not interested in the least at all the chatter that goes on in the discussion forums (even as great as they are).

So the obvious thing to do is to make it easy for people to give them the information they need to understand what Kava is all about, the benefits of Kava, and how it could fit their needs or desires. It's a way to help the newbees and lurkers out there with a way to understand and promote the great benefits of the Kava root.

That's what the Kavapedia is all about and can do and that's why everyone should give a crap about it!!! So please consider that and help whenever you can to make the Kavapedia a great resource for everyone out there. You may infrequently, or maybe never use it yourself, but there are at least 10 of you out there that will. I have some basic instructions on how-to publish your great threads in The Kavapedia at this link: How To Publish In The Kavapedia.

Best Regards

[EDIT: I just want to clarify, I wasn't trying to imply that no one cared. Far from it. This is the most caring forum I've ever been on. I was simply trying to
emphasize why The Kavapedia is important, even for a person that doesn't use it personally.]
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Deleted User01

I give a flip. Those other guys are just being gross.:wtf: I have found myself going there in the last week or so to see what kind of info is out there. I think it is a very good thing and I think it should be advertised to anyone who joins as a new member. Also, any docs on how to navigate the forum should put the Wiki in the forefront and encourage people to check it out. Headhodge, it is a very worthwhile project but I also know it is very time consuming. We do appreciate it.


Bula To Eternity
....Those other guys are just being gross.:wtf:.
Well, I probably deserved that for using such a Crappy title for my thread :whistle:

I hope I didn't come across as being critical about our members. That would be the farthest thing in my mind to do. My goal was simply trying to make people aware of The Kavapedia (don't really know how many people actually know that it's there), to emphasis the importance of The Kavapedia, and to solicit participation to help make it a great tool with high quality content.

Everyone has a set of new TAGS now that can be used to add their own content to The Kavapedia and I wanted to explain why they exist and what they used for. (I re-read my post and I think I kind of failed on that point).

Plus, I was dying to try out a TAG myself. This is the first one I've used personally.

Deleted User01

No worries Headhodge. You are doing great. Just chug down a shell and keep hacking away at it. There is no manual for what you are doing.