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Why do you drink Kava?


Deleted User01

I thought there was a thread on the various reasons why people drink Kava. If so, I wish it was in in notable posts. I would like to re-visit that thread. Can anyone help? Kapm? Headhodge? I did a cursory search but couldn't find it but I may not know how to search correctly.

If there is none, then I will kick it off in the next 24 hours.

Deleted User01

Noueky. Thank you very much. To me, that post tells everyone in general why we like Kava. I would like to start a post that gets into the nitty gritty details of the effects of particular strains of Kavas and why we like the particular effects. It dove tails with my chemotype project where I'm trying to associate different chemotypes with different effects. I like the way Chris described it on his web site, "A Kava for Every Occasion". So what are some of the occasions and what effects do we desire. I'm still putting my thoughts together on this so everyone please do the same. For now, its back to work ... dang, work gets in the way of all things that are fun.

Deleted User01

In the last few days I have noticed varying opinions on why one Kava is better than another. Kava is not a one solution botanical, it has many applications because it comes in many chemical configurations (chemotypes). Here is the other killer thing, one guys heady kava could be anothers sleepy time Kava. The Chemistry of the Human body is bonkers.

What motivated us to start drinking Kava? What were we trying to "cure"? I'm sure everyone at one time or another Googled botanicals, researched them, and came up with Kava. I think a meat and potatoes explanation of why we use Kava would be of great benefit to anyone looking for specific solutions.

In your post, you would include Reasons, Strains/Type of Kava , and how you use them to benefit you. On what particular occasion do you reach for a particular Kava? I love that topic.

Some reasons include:
Can't sleep. Insomnia/ mind won't turn off at night.
Social Anxiety.
Work Related Stress.
Muscular pain.
Drug/Alcohol Addiction.
Taper off alchol.
Withdrawal from Prescription Drugs.
Shits and Grins. Recreational.

Examples of how Much You Drink and how often.
Till I'm thoroughly Krunked and everyday.
X number of shells about X times a week..
I drink until I _____ and I do it ______ times a week.

What type of Kava do you like for different occasion. (Muscle Melt, Kavain, Balanced, Sedating, etc.)
I do X strain of Kava at night so I can sleep.
I do X strain of Kava anytime I go to the in laws because i feel more relaxed.
I do X strain of Kava at work because ....
I do X strain of Kava to help combat physical pain.
I do X strain of Kava instead of Xanax.

I will kick it off in the next post below.
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Deleted User01

Hi, I'm Deleted User01 and I'm a Daytime Kava Drinker.:D

I drink Kava Primarily for Work Related Stress. I will drink about 6-8 oz. of Grog or the equivalent in the middle of the afternoon and till quitting time, 2.5 hr session. If I drink anymore Kava then I quickly reach a point of diminishing returns. I eat supper, go for a walk, listen to an audiobook/read/TV, and I'm in bed by 9PM. I sleep great on my Kava days regardless of which strain I use. I do Kava about 4 times a week. As time has progressed, I find myself using more Kava and less alcohol and believe me when I tell you that I dearly love alcohol.

I drink Kavain type Kavas because they are stimulative (in my case). I have to interact with customers all day and I have a lot of brain work to do on the computer. After lunch, I go into a funk and get into a foul mood. The Kavain type Kavas lift my spirits, help me to finish projects, and allow me to be civil to my customers. (Stay away from him, he'll rip your lungs out Jim!). I can't afford to snap at my customers and my wife doesn't dig it either.

On Sundays, I like a pain killer type Kava for the aches and pains that come with the weekend chores and I'll make a big ole Kava Kocktail. This Sunday, I had some PapaKea for pain but then I did some leftover Borogu (muscle melt) so I could vegetate a little bit. I sat glued to the patio chair for 2 hours watching birds with my binoculars. No chores got done and I didn't intend to do any.

I have done Kavain type Kavas before Weddings, funerals, taking the Wife Shopping, and in any type of social situation where I feel apprehensive. I remember the last wedding clearly. I had some Kava earlier and I was sitting on the church bench in suit and tie waiting for everyone to get organized. A friend came by and said "well, you look mighty relaxed there". I just smiled and shook my head in agreement.

Sometimes I'll have a really, really bad day. It's not just a bad mood but it's anxiety galore. Every little problem is the end of the world. It's time for a Xanax (which I used to take). I recently found a Kava for that occasion. The Mapulehu is only 9 percent Kavalactones but it has a more balanced sedating effect on me. The eyes lower a little, the breathing slows down, the Deleted User01 settles down. I call it mildly sedating because I still function fine but just at a slower pace. My give-a-shitter goes from high to low and I gain new perspective. I wouldn't take a sedating Kava every afternoon but just as needed (like a doctor's prescription).


❦ॐ tanuki tamer
Rest & relaxation. It helps me get to sleep and it's a fun way to unwind. Thankfully I don't have chronic pain, but when I do have aches and pains kava takes care of those too. Replacing alcohol with kava has also helped me lose a lot of weight. I prefer strong Vanuatu kavas as I almost always drink kava at night after everything is done and I want to become one with my chair.

Deleted User01, thats perfect. It's a way to turn your give-a-shitter way down.


Kava Curious
hi everybody , just love the stuff !!!!! were do i start
Dreams , improved sleep , I consider the world we live to at the very least be unevenly divided our waking life seams to take precedent theres a lot going on in our dreams lol
kava is the key
also I love the relaxation with active mind not slurry and dull witted like alcohol it reminds me slightly of the drug in the film "limitless" kava i believe is a plant that has limitless potential ofc this goes back to dreaming life vs waking life and the cross over
on my second glass of VKS premium instant mmmmmmmmmmmmmm nice think ill have another 6 x miildly krunked numb face food then a few more

on average i try and drink 3-4 days in a row and have a break of 24 - 48 hours

on the 3- 4 days drinking on average i would try to only approach krunked on 1 or 2 of them the first couple are loading days 2-3 a very rough idea
of how i like to do things but i now have the bkh koniak to mix with the VKS so will be experimenting
though the VKS is so smooth and fresh just love the feeling on days 2 3 4

like to eat less small lunch before evening drinking ofc and like to workout before drinking when i have finished getting a sweat on relaxing with my kava as my heart beat drops
is mostly but not always part of the ritual and enjoyment

thats all i got for now as i want another glass
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Deleted User01

.... and I want to become one with my chair. Deleted User01, thats perfect. It's a way to turn your give-a-shitter way down.
The times I have been one with the chair were blissful. However, I end up waking up and having to rewind my audio book player. So I go easy on those muscle melters unless I intentionally want to vegetate on a patio chair or my recliner. Good review from You and Brett. Different strokes for different folks.


Kava Enthusiast
For the taste? Nah, Just playing.

I drink kava 3 - 5x per week. The main purpose for me is to relax. I really enjoy the euphoric effect of a high Kavain content grog. The best experiences that I've had were paradoxical in that they were both uplifting while relaxing at the same time. In fact I've had it bring out a very creative side at times. This effect I love.

Deleted User01, I'm like you in that I prefer an afternoon sessions, usually around 3 or 3:30. I'm self employed with a home office so it works great. However, I do find myself staring off into space not getting much done. Like now........

Kavadude - I always consume on an empty stomach.


Kava Enthusiast
Deleted User01 let me take another stab at this with a more clear head, although I'm still feeling the Moi! I believe, I mismanaged my instant!

I'm a type A personality that also has some GAD issues. It seems that even when things are running smoothly, I still seem to have a high level of stress running "under current" as background noise. I've also been know to ruminate and catastrophize. Exercise, good food, good sleep, prayer and a little kava help.

I'm still looking looking for the perfect kava, but if I had to pick one I'd say Melo. Since I primary have kava in the late afternoon it fits the bill. Good kava helps me shift my thinking to a more positive view point overall. Like I've said before a really good session gives me a creative insight.

Deleted User01

2Intense. Don't sweat it man. We all have different body chemistry and Kava is going to effect us all differently. I love the Hawaiian Kava because it is perfect for how I use it. I'm also crazy in love with the the fact that I have the opportunity to experience 14 rare Kavas (while GHK is still in business). If you saw what I spent on fine wine, Single Malt Scotch, and my Home Brew Ingredients last year then you will understand it when I say, I don't buy on price. I spend a lot of money on edibles and plants but I can't remember the last time I actually bought a shirt. My wife doesn't complain about my Kava tab because it is waaaayyyyy lower than my previous liquor bill. In a word, I can afford it. I'm definitely odd man out around here for many, many reasons but I love the forum and the members so I ain't going nowhere. And I love ya too man. Like my wife might say, "Don't pay no attention to him, he don't mean no harm". God, she is always making excuses for me. :D


Kava Enthusiast
2Intense. Don't sweat it man. We all have different body chemistry and Kava is going to effect us all differently. I love the Hawaiian Kava because it is perfect for how I use it. I'm also crazy in love with the the fact that I have the opportunity to experience 14 rare Kavas (while GHK is still in business). If you saw what I spent on fine wine, Single Malt Scotch, and my Home Brew Ingredients last year then you will understand it when I say, I don't buy on price. I spend a lot of money on edibles and plants but I can't remember the last time I actually bought a shirt. My wife doesn't complain about my Kava tab because it is waaaayyyyy lower than my previous liquor bill. In a word, I can afford it. I'm definitely odd man out around here for many, many reasons but I love the forum and the members so I ain't going nowhere. And I love ya too man. Like my wife might say, "Don't pay no attention to him, he don't mean no harm". God, she is always making excuses for me. :D
Deleted User01 the funny thing is the money is not the real issue with me either. I'm just always looking for a good value. Quality is a large component of value to me. Trust me, if you hired me to build you a commercial building - I would not be the cheapest, but I'd be a great deal in the end. Same thing with Kava, if I determine that the Hawaiian (GHK) route makes the most sense then I'll be all in. I'll be back to "testing" after a couple of days!!