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Why Do You Drink Kava?


I know that Kava is used for many different purposes; I was wondering why we drink kava and the benefits kava gives to us.

I drink kava to relax, take the edge off, and to lessen my anxiety. I have really bad anxiety from time to time; kava quelches it and helps me become interact positively with the world around me. This is why I love it.

Sean D.

Kava Enthusiast
| I drink kava to relax, take the edge off, and to lessen my anxiety.


I've struggled from neck and shoulder tension a lot over the years. The right kind of pillow, the right stretch, and menthol rub helps.

But Kava help remove that "just leave me alone already tension" feeling.

EDIT: I find that a combination of the relaxation from Kava plus stretching is pretty effective.

Deleted User01

I use it to relieve stress but more and more I'm digging the sleep. Here is a good example of the good it did for me yesterday. I have been obsessing for several days over a disagreement with a customer. I got all worked up and ready to do or say something stupid. I had my Kava last night and the nice Kava Kleaning Lady swept that problem from my mind and I forgot about it. This morning, I woke up in a live and let live mood. It turns out the problem was no big deal but I needed Kava to show me how silly I was acting.

P.S. On Saturday, my thoughts only turned darker after drinking alcohol so you can see the huge difference between the two substances.


My waka's got makas but still "rakas"
I started using it for sleep and I still do. Not that it knocks me out, but that it stops my mind from racing after thoughts which allows me to fall asleep when I'm ready. I also use it to battle cravings to do something more powerful and addictive. Lately I've found that if there is something so bad going on that I can't bear to think about it, kava puts me in a place where I can focus on it without going nuts. Sometimes it forces me to. On the other hand it makes the unimportant and trivial stressors melt away. I also haven't killed my wife yet... so pretty good, that kava stuff.


Kava Curious
Began using it a little over a week ago to curb my anxiety and have found it not only to tremendously help with the anxiety (which alleviated much of the depression that came from stress and anxiety as well) but also cleared my mind, helped me focus, and overall assisted me in getting back to my full potential. Seems like it helps me reflect on the willpower that already lies within somehow (that sounds strange reading it back to myself, but it makes complete sense at the same time, lol). Thinking about typing up a detailed testimonial soon, actually.


Kava Curious
I have been using kava for almost a month now. I use it for my anxiety, the symptoms from the anxiety and for OCD. I have also noticed the antidepressant effects which for me came a little later on. There is also a feeling of good well being where you are able to smile. Smiling can at times not be an easy thing for me to do but with having much of the negative stuff brushed to the side I am able to do that more.

I don't take kava as much as I did when I started. For me the positive effects stay in me for a while. I take it as needed for my conditions.

I too like being able to stay focused and not having things get to me and then overreacting. I am catching myself when these times happen and when they do I am able to reason better during situations with a cool head.

Kava has been the only solution for me in the 6 years that I have been struggling to find something to relieve the problems from my conditions. At this present time there are certain people who want me off from this stuff due to not knowing what kava is and much of it is pure bias and ignorance on their part.

Steve Mariotti

Kavapithecus Krunkarensis
Review Maestro
I discovered last year after battling depression for my whole adult life, that anxiety is the pump that inflates the depression balloon in me. So I started looking at anxiety-relief and found kava.

Now I drink roughly every day or every other day and the anxiety is hugely diminished and the depression is at bay.

Plus it's fun! When I'm floating around listening to chillout music and laughing with my kids I'm in heaven.


Kava Curious
I can relate to what you are saying about anxiety relating to depression, I also suffer from both.

More social anxiety, but that stops me from being myself around people and meeting potential new friends.

I do feel that Kava helps relieve that anxiety and I feel more willing (almost eager) to interact with people and also sleep well and deeply with positive dreams and vibrations. Whats not to love? <3