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Winnie's RipFix - excellent!


Kava Enthusiast
I normally combat dry "Kava skin" with Amlactin and coconut oil, but while on vacation - with only Kava and not my skin health assortment - I wound up getting splitting skin. Little 1/8" to not quite 1/4" cuts where it looked like the skin was so dry, that splitting occurred.

I usually try to prevent this from happening in the first place because once it happens, applying Amlactin is NOT pleasant.

What I turned to for quick skin repair is this stuff called Winnie's RipFix.
It's a product introduced to me by friends who do Crossfit. They seem to be regularly tearing callouses off with their intense workouts, and they swear by this. Well, I applied some to the cuts and was pretty surprised that by the next day, they were closing up pretty well. In about three days or so, there's no sign of the cuts. Previously, I would still have them, and feel the sting any time I washed my hands (which is often).

Felt like sharing this with you guys, because the stuff is no joke. And it contains basic ingredients like camphor, beeswax, coconut oil, tee tree oil, honey and petroleum jelly.

Maybe this will help someone else!