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I Love Kava Friday I love Fridays! "Hum come here mornin' krunk"


Bula To Eternity
jman use your hairy paws and do a Friday smackdown on the funky monkey before he shows you what old tibia bones are used for!

Deleted User01

Hey, Monkeys are violent. I saw an ed-u-cay-tional TV show the other day. Bands of monkeys attacking other monkeys and tearing them apart. I think we need to ban Krunky Monkey costumes this Halloween.


Kava aficionado
It's a know scientific fact that KrunkyMonkeys are docile creatures (except if you give them alcohol), where is @verticity to fact check.


Kava aficionado
Hey, Monkeys are violent. I saw an ed-u-cay-tional TV show the other day. Bands of monkeys attacking other monkeys and tearing them apart. I think we need to ban Krunky Monkey costumes this Halloween.
They must have had good reason, like messing with the other Monkey's kava.

Deleted User01

It's a know scientific fact that KrunkyMonkeys are docile creatures (except if you give them alcohol), where is @verticity to fact check.
Around and around and around we go and now we are finally back on topic. I hear ya, Krunky, I hate it when I drink too much and then have to sit there the next day and hear my wife lecture me on every damn thing I did wrong the night before. That is an excellent stick with kava and try really, really hard to go easy on the booze on "alcohol day". That is a topic dear to my heart and it's a constant work in progress.


Kava Enthusiast
Hmm it's Friday, Thanksgiving is Monday. Hmm no family or friends in this small town so I must buy a whole chicken to cook and wash away my sorrows in kava.

Deleted User01

Hmm it's Friday, Thanksgiving is Monday. Hmm no family or friends in this small town so I must buy a whole chicken to cook and wash away my sorrows in kava.
Ok, I'll bite @nickbroken, where do you live and why is it thanksgiving on Monday? I know it is Columbus day in the U.S. and the banks are closed but that's all I got.


Kava aficionado
Around and around and around we go and now we are finally back on topic.
I see what you did there, touche!
I hear ya, Krunky, I hate it when I drink too much and then have to sit there the next day and hear my wife lecture me on every damn thing I did wrong the night before. That is an excellent stick with kava and try really, really hard to go easy on the booze on "alcohol day". That is a topic dear to my heart and it's a constant work in progress.
I couldn't imagine drinking alcohol still, but I drink a shit load of kava, doesn't leave much room for anything else (Not that I want anything else)


Kava Enthusiast
Meh I wouldn't be shocked to see a moose out there, already seen a bears and mountain lions in town. There will be krunk tho, sadly I only have dhk have so I'm going to be sloppy come Thanksgiving.

Deleted User01

Canada :p it's a strange and and backwards land.
Well, according to Headgie, they do a Moose Roast for the thanksgiving meal. I would have thought Goose. Now you tell us, what's the holiday fare like. :hungry:


Kava Enthusiast
Well, according to Headgie, they do a Moose Roast for the thanksgiving meal. I would have thought Goose. Now you tell us, what's the holiday fare like. :hungry:
Dunno most likely will be a pizza and ice cream for me. The buffet is expensive and I have a kava habit to support. I'm guessing dry turkeys salty ham, lumpy mashed potatoes and pie. I do love me some pie tho. Might just go to the buffet to eat all the pie.


Kava Enthusiast
that friday when your pouni ono kava was supposed to arrive yesterday from amazon prime but since you live in cosatal ga its delayed until at least monday even though you could really use it due to this wondeful storm. :banghead: