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I Love Kava Friday She is Naked and Unafraid!


I'm interested in things
Happy Friday!
reproductive organs1.jpg

"A well-balanced sheep with strong, deep, wide body and correct legs and feet. Rams must be well muscled and strong from the front to the back. Ewes must be lighter in front and getting bigger and heavier to the back (a wedge shape). A ewe needs to look feminine with a feminine head, and a long graceful neck. ... Scrotum of the ram should not be too long and the testicles of equal size and not too small…reaching about half way to the ground. Well-shaped udder and reproductive organs in ewe. ... " http://www.thcdorperassociation.com/Standards.html

Deleted User01

She is naked and unfraid
Oh darn. Headgie, when I saw your post, I thought you were finally coming out and revealing yourself. But it's just about cows. :rolleyes: Hey, when you guys are on vacation in Texas and you see cattle, does everyone in the car stick their heads outside and say, "Mooooooooo ....". It's ok if you do. It's the only funny thing that happens to a bovine all day long. At least that's what they tell me.


I'm interested in things
Meanwhile in Vanuatu:

"Nasi the popular mascot for Van2017 turned all faces to smiles yesterday when he arrived on a low trailer pulled by a quad bike to become a farmer.

What an intensive programme for Nasi as he posed for pictures with children and adults then proceeded to harvest Fijian taro, relax with seedlings, tidy a blooming potato farm, catch some fish and hop on a horse to go kava planting, before ending the afternoon with a kava drinking session and barbeque...

Nasi’s involvement in the Productive Sector sends a clear message to the nation and all participants and Governments of the regional sports teams who are arriving in December, that disease-free healthy foods harvested from organic farms in the country is the only way to do.

In fact the Acting Head of the Biosecurity Department assured Nasi that his Department will make sure that sports participants and officials arriving for the Games are not carriers of agricultural diseases which are going to threaten the health of local crops."

This raises some important questions:

1. "Nasi" appears to be a chicken or some kind of fowl. What kind of meat will be barbequed at the "kava drinking session and barbeque"? Cow, I assume...

2. Why exactly are they concerned that visiting athletes might be carrying "agricultural diseases"? Are the athletes tree people like Groot?

3. Is that Kava Candy @Steve in that chicken costume?


The d'Artagnan forum 4th Kavateer
I am just glad that other thread closed, Deleted User dropped a grape in the kitchen during renovation and it disappeared and he couldn't find it. He was literally on his knees for ten minutes looking for this stupid grape. He had no idea where it went. Better find that grape before it mutates into another life form. There was once a mutant grape that terrorized an entire town in the Texas panhandle. They brought in the army, nobody could stop it. Apparently it had a pit of steel.


Ozia - KavaKava Candy
Kava Vendor
Meanwhile in Vanuatu:
View attachment 8109
"Nasi the popular mascot for Van2017 turned all faces to smiles yesterday when he arrived on a low trailer pulled by a quad bike to become a farmer.

What an intensive programme for Nasi as he posed for pictures with children and adults then proceeded to harvest Fijian taro, relax with seedlings, tidy a blooming potato farm, catch some fish and hop on a horse to go kava planting, before ending the afternoon with a kava drinking session and barbeque...

Nasi’s involvement in the Productive Sector sends a clear message to the nation and all participants and Governments of the regional sports teams who are arriving in December, that disease-free healthy foods harvested from organic farms in the country is the only way to do.

In fact the Acting Head of the Biosecurity Department assured Nasi that his Department will make sure that sports participants and officials arriving for the Games are not carriers of agricultural diseases which are going to threaten the health of local crops."

This raises some important questions:

1. "Nasi" appears to be a chicken or some kind of fowl. What kind of meat will be barbequed at the "kava drinking session and barbeque"? Cow, I assume...

2. Why exactly are they concerned that visiting athletes might be carrying "agricultural diseases"? Are the athletes tree people like Groot?

3. Is that Kava Candy @Steve in that chicken costume?
@verticity - that is so awesome! I am a sucker for a good costume but I can't take credit for that one. Will have to look for it now online...lol :)

Deleted User01

Cowboys in Texas say "Looky there Jebb... sum mighty fine Mooo Tang! Ill tell you what!" :)
Mootang huh? I know you are an animal lover but I think we are crossing the line here ... :sneaky: That being said, I'm going to tell everyone about the new word I learned, "MooTang". Hmm, now I'm beginning to remember some crazy ass stories about some of FFA guys back in the day. :eek: