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Occasional depression from kava?

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Sometimes I have some kava late in the evening and, while I feel my mood slightly uplifted at first, sometimes I feel myself feeling pretty lonely, sad and just not feeling "great". Luckily, since I don't have anxiety as bad as normal, I don't start to obsess over this feeling and make it worse, but it is definitely something I think about off and on for the rest of the evening.

Anyone else have some sort of "paradoxical reaction" like this?


Kava Enthusiast
well a lot of medical sites say not to have kava if you have depression, the truth is they have no data to back this up, the only reason they say that is bc its gabaergic, and the other gabaergic drugs, benzos, cause or make depression worse (because of sedation)

but on the other hand its been proven in two separate studies that kava helps get rid of depression
my guess is that those studies used high kavain extractions of kava

so I guess its possible that its bc you are using sedating strains and not high kavains you are having this problem,

or maybe its your withdrawal?

Deleted User01

I have never had that but I can see where it might happen. My suggestion, get a dog. Like the Kava, the dog will talk to you and make everything better. There is scientific evidence to back this up (in case you are wondering).


I think the cause of this might be that I've been under a ton of stress lately, and have been going through a really emotionally taxing situation. I think that the kava 'allows' me to feel what might be going in the background if that makes any sense.

I still don't think that kava is GABAergic (at least in the simple sense, and if nothing else, the evidence is conflicting) but more likely due to some effect on voltage-gated Na and Ca channels and an indirect relationship with GABA. Because its mechanism of action is so poorly understood, I could see how it could have a depressive effect or an anti-depressive effect, but there's so many unknown variables to account for.

I do find that this happens more with heavier strains, but I usually use heavier kavas in these sorts of times/situations so the correlation doesn't mean much. That being said, I wouldn't doubt it since I've never had a high kavain kava and felt depressed in the slightest, usually just slightly anxious at times.

Deleted User01

I feel for you bro. I think we all take Kava to reduce stress and try to put it in the background so we can sleep well. What you described sounds similarly to someone who is drinking and suddenly starts "crying in their beer" to coin a phrase. So maybe Kava is not enough and we need to think about other coping mechanisms. Let's say something that can help us deal with "stress overflow". I don't really think there is any drug that can completely eliminate the mental anguish caused by overwhelming stress, anxiety, or worry. However, life is like a pendulum. So when I hit bottom, I get optomistic because I know the upswing is coming. Keep that in mind at all times.


❦ॐ tanuki tamer
Well I don't think I've ever had kava-induced depression, but I can tell you the one or two times I have had kava while in a really foul mood, it was a bad experience.

Deleted User01

I remember reading something the Kavasseur said (and I'm paraprhasing) about how Kava can make a crappy day at work seem even crappier. Nowadays they call that "BuzzKill".


Well I don't think I've ever had kava-induced depression, but I can tell you the one or two times I have had kava while in a really foul mood, it was a bad experience.
This is basically what I was trying to say. It loosened up my bad mood.

I guess it's kinda along the lines of the set and setting thread. I think the way I should have phrased it is "Kava exaggerating feeling bad" or something like that (again, this is rare for me)


Kava Enthusiast
Well I don't think I've ever had kava-induced depression, but I can tell you the one or two times I have had kava while in a really foul mood, it was a bad experience.
Somewhat related: I've gotten bad news a few times just after drinking brew and somehow dealing with the onset of kava made everything more stressful.


Kava Enthusiast
I can relate to what your saying infaredz, but it can sort of be a good thing

for example, for me without kava if something bad happened to me or i just had a bad day i would just sit around on my computer and be emotionally dead,

but with kava id probably cry

I think crying and letting the pain out is a much better way of dealing with pain then just bottling it up and being emotionally dead and feeling depressed

Kava Kona

Having Kava , isnt that bad at all for me , I tried it by myself and had a great result . I think it is just a matter of weighing things up . :)


Kava Enthusiast
I haven't gotten any depression from kava. Not that i know of. Its helped me deal with difficult situations. And i actually have a history of depression.

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Envoy of the Dealfish
I've not personally encountered this as of yet. I have clinical depression and if anything kava has lessened the symptoms to some degree.

Am sorry to hear this : (. Hope ye are alright over there. I know from experience that depression is hell to deal with.


Well, this thread is a little dated, but for the heck of it I'd like to confirm what the OP describes. I've only tried kava from one source, so I'm not sure if it's dependent on the variety, but I've definitely felt a flattening of emotions a few hours after ingestion, almost every time. It's not a sad kind of depressed, just quite emotionally cut off, loss of interest in activities I'd usually like to do. Which is actually okay for when I try to study; keeps me from procrastinating :D


Kava Curious
Bumping up this thread from forever ago, because this is something I've been dealing with lately. I was taking a non-recommended strain, and actually was feeling pretty darned optimistic in the morning after drinking some. I bought a recommended strain and just had a rough experience with it, including I'm now noticing a feeling of heavy doom that comes on at about 3 or 4 am. (I have been mixing the two together to see if I can combat some of the anxiety-inducing effects of the recommended strain.) That morning "oh shit" feeling is exactly why I quit drinking, so I definitely am wanting to find my way around to a strain that's got all of the good and none of the bad (or at least bad rarely.) I have some Hanakapi'ai that just arrived yesterday. I am going to give myself a day to reset and try that tomorrow and see how it differs. But, I'd love to hear if there have been any other experiences re: depression or off feelings since this post was made.

Deleted User01

I'm doing some Hanakapi'ai this afternoon. I call it my Zombie Kava because it seems to deaden the brain. It's not Heady at all and it's not that sedating. It just numbs you (in my opinion). Let me know what it does for you?
P.S. I usually don't plan on doing much brain work after that. Perfect for going into the weekend.


Bumping up this thread from forever ago, because this is something I've been dealing with lately. I was taking a non-recommended strain, and actually was feeling pretty darned optimistic in the morning after drinking some. I bought a recommended strain and just had a rough experience with it, including I'm now noticing a feeling of heavy doom that comes on at about 3 or 4 am. (I have been mixing the two together to see if I can combat some of the anxiety-inducing effects of the recommended strain.) That morning "oh shit" feeling is exactly why I quit drinking, so I definitely am wanting to find my way around to a strain that's got all of the good and none of the bad (or at least bad rarely.) I have some Hanakapi'ai that just arrived yesterday. I am going to give myself a day to reset and try that tomorrow and see how it differs. But, I'd love to hear if there have been any other experiences re: depression or off feelings since this post was made.
Seriously though, if I over do it on the heavy kavas I can get couch locked and not in the good way. I prefer the heady kavas to avoid this. I save the heavy stuff for when those middle age aches kick in...


Kava Enthusiast
When I drank isas years ago I'd have some depressive moods the next day. Haven't ever had any with noble kava though. Its hard not to smile with a big bowl of Tongan.


Kava Curious
What's the technical definition of "heady" vs "heavy"? The stuff I had (Hiwa) provoked some anxiety, so I guess that's what people are calling "heady." I'm looking to chill mostly (anti-anxiety), some of the kavas I've had have had that kind of "euphoric" wash, like "everything's cool." What would the benefits be of a "heady" if it's also not a stimulant? (I can't imagine if feels good to be chill in the body but rushing in the head, which is kind of what my feelings of "waking up with a feeling of doom" feel like.)
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