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Coconut oil extract attempt


Kava Padawan
Sitting here watching progress bars at work so decided to get a start on reporting my attempt at a coconut oil extract. Posting a pic now then will follow up later this evening on my process. Nothing scientific but it might make you think twice about tossing out that 2nd or even 3rd wash. The extract was used as a booster in making more kava

Gourmet Hawaiian Kava

Kava Expert
Kava Vendor
Looks interesting, let us know how it turns out, by the way, your avatar, is that "Rygar"? It has been so long since I played that game. :) Aloha.



Kava Padawan
So I had been putting away the used root from making kava for maybe a week+ storing it in a big glass jar in the fridge. Ended up with at least a large mason jar full of used root and just dumped it all in a big pot on the stove. put enough water in the pot so the kava wouldn't burn and let it get hot. Dumped a few big scoops of coconut oil in the pot and used an emulsion blender to blend it up. Didn't really boil it so much as just brought it to a low simmer. Let it simmer at least an hour then let it cool.

Straining was a pain in the ass, i'll say that. Used a large strainer from Nakamal @ Home and eventually just worked out most of the liquid. poured the liquid in a couple containers and might have poured more water in there (just so the oil could collect at the top of it). Let it sit in the fridge about 24 hours and tried not to disturb the container so the oil would collect and form at the top. It's gotta be cold so the oil solidifies on top top of the water.

I used a fork and scooped some out, the water was kinda gross at that point and dont feel up to trying drinking it to see if anything is in there. Nicely yellow. Put about a small pencil eraser size amount under my tongue and it was almost immediately very numbing. like the first numbing of a novocane shot at the dentist. Felt it in my head a little too. Used some to boost a shell of kava and i'll say it's worth it. Definitely did the trick.

Like i said, nothing scientific and i hope to refine the process a little bit but it's a fun experiment with root that might have just been thrown out otherwise.

@Gourmet Hawaiian Kava , It's a picture of Simon Belmont from the NES Castlevania. Took me forever to beat Dracula but thanks to kava i had the time and patience!


Kava Padawan
Oh, and that picture above is when I used it to boost another round of kava making. I'm also thinking about other application of it like in smoothies or oatmeal. Maybe something crazy like Kava-Guac! The Kava Kitchen Krew has me thinking "outside the shell" nowadays.


1 kava 2 kava 3 kava COUCH
Back in the day we used to make another kind of extract with a different kind of herb ;) . We used a glass bottle ..and carefully drilled a hole in the bottom with a special bit just big enough to fit the tip of a butane bottle in. Then we packed it as tightly as we could with the herb and poked some tiny holes in the metal lid . We then took a aluminum deep dish pie plate and ran the butane through the bottle and what came out was a honey colored fluid mixed with the butane . We then suspended the pie plate in warm water and all the butane evapouated and left us with a very thick yellow oil. I wonder if this could be done with kava ? Or would it extract the bad things as well

Gourmet Hawaiian Kava

Kava Expert
Kava Vendor
Hay Kavanewb, that is what they call a supercritical fluid, the most commonly used supercritical fluid is CO2 and they do make kava extract using CO2, Adil at Paradise Kava has some. Aloha.



1 kava 2 kava 3 kava COUCH
Hay Kavanewb, that is what they call a supercritical fluid, the most commonly used supercritical fluid is CO2 and they do make kava extract using CO2, Adil at Paradise Kava has some. Aloha.

So in theory I could make my own using this method ? Hmm may have to get back to my roots (pun intended)


Kava Padawan
So in theory I could make my own using this method ? Hmm may have to get back to my roots (pun intended)
Now that's a proper experiment! I still have not tried any vendor extract that i've read so much about. hmm...i do get a week's vacation soon. A kaVacation :cool:

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
Sure you could make your own with supercritical CO2, but expect pressures above 2000 psi, so...uhh....wear eye protection? Actually scratch that, you'd probably just want to wear full set of steel armor.


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Well Im gonna do it ! Have to wait till this beast of a winter is done ..maybe in a few months lol ..I'll be posting a thread once I've fine tuned it


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Thanks kapm ..I have seen the video ..but I'm going a different route ..the cheaper backyard way!! I don't ha e the time to create a setup like this guys got going on. Also I'd like a setup where I can use at least a half pound of dried root to extract as much and as quick as possible