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Nooblet needs kava suggestions


Hello everyone! I'm a little bit new to kava drinking in general, but I've successfully gotten some stuff on another site, and been drinking enough of it to get some effects. It took me about four different tries to even feel ANYTHING, but now that I've started getting results, I really love it. I can safely say that this is going to become my thing.

I guess I'm here makin' this post, because I've seen people who say the taste of kava doesn't bother them, and that they can drink it all day (not that they literally do, just that they wouldn't mind doing so). I keep thinking to myself that there's NO WAY they're drinking the kava I'm drinking, if that's the case. No one sane would like the taste of the stuff I got. It's hell of bitter, and that coming from someone who used to drank GFSE for a couple months trying to combat a particularly stubborn stomach bug. I would chug bitter things all day, but not this stuff. I mean I can get it down, it's not the most terrible thing, but I can't ever imagine myself saying "I could drink it all day". And I figure it must be something like coffee, in that they're all of a flavor, but some are going to taste vastly better. So yeah, I think that even though it's good kava, there's probably gotta be better tasting out there! Can you guys give me a sort of opinion poll, on which kavas taste the best, and which have the best duration for euphoria? I'd drink terrible tasting if it gave a long lasting happy feeling, or if I found some that didn't taste so bad, I could just drink more of it and get the same result.

Meow! (Thanks!)

Deleted User01

Welcome KavaCat! I love your avatar. You are such a "Kewl Kat". First off, I'm the Chief Mixologist and together with the BulaBuck and Violet, we have posted some recipes for Kava drinks. HeadHodge as put them in the WikiPedia. We have found the Hawaiians in General to be very mellow in taste. Second, you might want to try out instant and/or micronized. Some people have problems with the grit in the micronized but I barely notice it when its in a Kava drink. Some of our recipes may have too much sugar but I would certainly try either club soda/mineral water and a big giant squeeze of lime juice and ice. You can drink that with instant or micronized. Hell, you can sip it. For Grog, I usually add a tab of Frozen Fruit Concentrate with lime. But the concentrate of course has sugar. If you want to try the Hawaiians, you could do the GHK Sampler. I think it has powder, instant, and micronized in it. Also, GHK sells Kava Strains which you won't find anywhere so it's kinda fun to check em out.


Welcome KavaCat! I love your avatar. You are such a "Kewl Kat". First off, I'm the Chief Mixologist and together with the BulaBuck and Violet, we have posted some recipes for Kava drinks. HeadHodge as put them in the WikiPedia. We have found the Hawaiians in General to be very mellow in taste. Second, you might want to try out instant and/or micronized. Some people have problems with the grit in the micronized but I barely notice it when its in a Kava drink. Some of our recipes may have too much sugar but I would certainly try either club soda/mineral water and a big giant squeeze of lime juice and ice. You can drink that with instant or micronized. Hell, you can sip it. For Grog, I usually add a tab of Frozen Fruit Concentrate with lime. But the concentrate of course has sugar. If you want to try the Hawaiians, you could do the GHK Sampler. I think it has powder, instant, and micronized in it. Also, GHK sells Kava Strains which you won't find anywhere so it's kinda fun to check em out.
Thanks for the quick reply! Haha, I can't sip, I'm just one of those people who leaves half-drunk cups all over the place when I sip drinks. Which is fine when it's a lemonade or something, I can always come back to that. But not for something I want to get a medicinal or entertainment effect out of. I'll go look at the recipes and the Hawaiians then. The kava I have right now, I don't know if I'd even waste the other ingredients on trying to make it taste good.

Deleted User01

Kavakat, there ain't a soul around here that will disagree with you. The running joke around here is that "we drink Kava for the yummy taste".:eek:


❦ॐ tanuki tamer
Welcome aboard!

All kavas taste terrible to me, so I don't really factor taste into my purchasing decision. Although instant kavas are usually drinkable and some of the recipes we have might cover them up, I don't know I haven't tried any.

What have you been drinking? I think the Bula Kava House or Gourmet Hawaiian Kava sampler would be an excellent place to start.


1 kava 2 kava 3 kava COUCH
Welcome KavaCat ! Sample packs are the way to go ! But like they said try some instant ..it's convienent and easier to drink . GHK has the best so sayeth the weathered pros so that's be a good place to start I think


Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
Review Maestro
Hawaiian and Tongan kava's or anything labled 'white kava' often taste relatively good. They're also less nauseating. The experience is lighter. A clean pleasant mood lift. All the heavy, long lasting deep sedating kavas taste disgustingly bitter to varying degrees. yum.


Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
Review Maestro
what kavas are considered white kavas
White kavas usually look lighter in color, both as powder and beverage. This would be stuff like Kavaboy's Hinehina Kava, Fu'u, Mo'i and White Sands from Nakamal @ Home...
High in kavain, probably made with mostly root stump...possibly peeled skins for smoother flavor.


Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
Review Maestro
instants could be white kava, if they were made from white kava. Most kava from Vanuatu, even if it's high in kavain, will typically be a mix of lateral root and stump or entirely out of the bitter, potent lateral roots. That makes them peppery & bitter, usually more capable of upsetting the stomach and not considered white.

Doobie Doo

How many shells to get to the center..1 2 3
@KavaCat: When I was trying to work down my starting resistance (and it took many many sessions before I got results I liked), I tried to shotgun it for quality and strength, since I just couldn't get past the taste. The theory..was heck it tastes so awful , let's try to at least minimize the quantity, I have to put past my taste buds to get results. Not saying that's the best way, but it worked for me. I went for the Kavas that were described as being very very strong Vanuatu by the vendors and kept an empty stomach. I just kept a lot of chasers around(fruit, juices, teas, some snacks) to flush in afterwards. On a side note.. I found as I drank more Kava, the taste never got what I would exactly call better, but the gag reflexes went away, and in some cases, I made peace with the taste, and now even detecting differences. I suspect the more you drink the easier it gets. Maybe a bit like coffee (can't believe there was actually a time when i actually hated coffee smell/taste). Oh..btw..Welcome..I don't post much but do alot of reading here. Good place.


@shakas Yeah, it's not white. It's very bitter and peppery.

I would say if it's all going to taste bad anyways, just less-bad, and that the less-bad ones are consistently weaker, then I guess I won't bother with the taste too much. Thanks to everyone for all the feedback, though.

Yeah, same with me. I'm only using as much water as I have to for it to get a strain going. The thinner stuff is easier to drink overall, but I can't get myself to drink a liter of it. But I can get myself to knock back a coffee mug. Three good chugs, done! Rinse out the cup, make hot peppermint tea or roobios chai. (I love tea, but don't want to add caffeine to my experience.) As far as the taste, I hope I can make peace with it eventually too. I actually read a good article once. It was actually about cilantro, but it was talking about the reason many people don't like it, is because our brain ties certain chemicals in cilantro with bad things. In poorer countries, the association is with bedbugs; because the cilantro has a chemical that's the same as found in bedbugs. In less poor countries some people find cilantro tastes like soap, for the same reason; similar chemical compounds. But when you eat it on the regular, your brain eventually un-wires the "do not eat" association, and it becomes a delicious herb. The writer of the article actually was one of those people who associated cilantro with a soapy taste, and made himself eat it until it tasted good. He succeeded. I wonder if there are similar compounds in kava, which we subconsciously associate with something else. People seem to say it tastes like mud pretty often, which I think I agree with. And yeah, it's bitter, but I eat plenty of things with bitterness to them, and that's usually not an issue with me. I like cranberry and grapefruit and bite-y varieties of lettuce... and have no problem if there's pith stuck to my oranges.


Bula To Eternity
Welcome @KavaCat !!

Although I've been consuming Kava for going on 2 years, I'm still pretty new at using Kava in a serious way.

Coming to terms with the taste has been more of an acquired thing for me. At first I spent all day just trying to figure out how to mask the flavor. But over time, I've come to terms with it and can actually drink it without trouble. It might sound crazy but I actually sip mine because I like the numbing effects on my lips and mouth.

I'm with you though, I'm now more interested in getting Kava's that give the effects I'm looking for even though they don't necessarily taste the best.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
Yes, welcome KavaCat.

For me the taste of kava is something I've yet to acquire as a taste I don't find horrid. I've been drinking for nearly a decade and I've just resigned myself to the taste. I can say it isn't as shocking as it was in the beginning. Honestly...I think in the beginning as shocking as it was, I wasn't as repulsed by it's flavor as I can sometimes find myself to be when drinking my krunktacular coffee mug full.

I too use the coffee cup method. I even made a custom mug for my kava.



Okay, just a little update! Tonight I got a melomelo that I ordered a little bit ago. (Not from any of the on-site vendors, but I will be buying from vendors here ASAP, I was just looking for something to come through fast as possible.) It's much less nasty than my first one! I would say it's got similar strength. There was something specific about the flavor of the other that made it repulsive to me, and this one isn't like that at all. I don't need to gulp down a large amount of sludge anymore. Quite happy to have cups of this. I gave a couple of cups to my house mate, who's never had any, and described it as "a pleasant buzzing sensation at the intersection of here and here" and pointed at the side and front of his head. Accurate. :) I'm surprised at how different it is from the first kava. I can't wait until I can send some kavas to my boyfriend. XD I should probably try a few more before I send him any, though, huh?

((I'm feeling so chatty right now.))


Bula To Eternity
...((I'm feeling so chatty right now.))...
That's an effect I get from Kava. I often get diarrhea of the fingers. :whistle:

It would be great if you could go to the "forms" section and submit a form that's there to rate your melo for us. It doesn't need to be from any vendor listed in this forum.