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Powdered Kava Review Kumakua


Kava Enthusiast
Gourmet Hawaiian Kava Product - Kumakua Kava

Amount of Kava Used : 10 Tablespoons

Preparation Type : Traditional Soak & Knead
If Other Prep Type :

Kava Prep Details
Soak with water . And a little coconut milk

Mixer or water?: Water
Amount: 5 Cups

Taste: 1 - Very Mild

Euphoric Rank: 3 - Noticeable Effects
Sedative Rank: 2 - Very Weakly Sedating
Muscle Relaxing Rank: 2 - Very Weakly Muscle Relaxing
Anxiolytic (Anti-Anxiety) Rank: 3 - Light anxiolytic eftect

Great straight forward kava . I really enjoyed it sometimes u just need a gentle one and this did the trick for me .
Just had a bunch of this micronized. I like it. I think I drank too much, my face is numb lol

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Deleted User01

Where in the heck does GHK get all these Kavas from? Oh now I remember, Freshly Harvested from his farm. I'm always interested in "mild" tasting Kavas for my drink recipes. Yepimonfire, I becoming really partial to the micronized. Its convenient and potent. Iit's easy to have too much of it because it doesn't taste bad either. Nice review BULABUCK! I think that Kava is a daytime Kava for sure.


Kava Enthusiast
Where in the heck does GHK get all these Kavas from? Oh now I remember, Freshly Harvested from his farm. I'm always interested in "mild" tasting Kavas for my drink recipes. Yepimonfire, I becoming really partial to the micronized. Its convenient and potent. Iit's easy to have too much of it because it doesn't taste bad either. Nice review BULABUCK! I think that Kava is a daytime Kava for sure.
If i can get away with no dermopathy i might just start using it in place of other kavas. Packs a punch and isn't even as bad tasting as regular kava.

Deleted User01

Yepimonfire, do find it heady or body or balanced? Man, I'm already making my shopping list for round 2 and the Hiwa Kava is coming soon. I'm going for a mix of Honokane Iki Kava and Mapulehu Kava in some club soda, lemon, and ice in about 1.5 hours. Both MICRONIZED. A little sippin Kava ...
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Kava Enthusiast
Heady but with some body, not your typical DHM bodyload though. Idk, i drank so much of it last night that everytime i moved my head it took a few seconds for my vision to catch up.

Deleted User01

Yepimonfire, fess up, how much did you horse down? Can you break it down into tablespoons? I already started my Kava combo. You made me thirsty with all the talk about Kumakau. I have .75 tabs of both HonoKane Iki Kava and Malupelu Kava in some club soda/ice with lemon (1.5 total). My ears are already ringing, so that's the Honokane kicking in. The Malupelu is making me slooowwwwww down. Interesting combo. We'll see how I like it later in the day. No doubt that Micronized rocks for those that don't mind a little grit. Hell, I only felt a little grit on the first swallow and then my throat went numb.
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Kava Enthusiast
well its hard to remember lol. but i think i started out with 3 slightly heaped TBSP then about 4 more heaping teaspoons. i also had mapulehu with it. thats total kava including both. yes i noticed the mapulehu is a slow you down a bit more kava.

Deleted User01

I know you well Yepimonfire, that why I used the word "horsed down". You probably did 8 tablespoons. I'm usual done with 2.5 tabs. I'm glad you noticed the same with the Mapu. I just want to make sure that I'm not the only one. Do you ever look at Kavas in terms of Application? Like when is the best time to do this one or that one. Like right now, I'm doing Honokane and the Mapu. I have a buttload of work but I'm working thru it. The Hono is heady but the Mapu is keeping me steady freddy. I'm an excitable boy so I need a little slooowww in my life sometimes. One more observation, this is only club soda and lemon, no Fruit juice or chocolate. I can't even taste the Kava. Nada. Bupkis.


Kava Enthusiast
I know you well Yepimonfire, that why I used the word "horsed down". You probably did 8 tablespoons. I'm usual done with 2.5 tabs. I'm glad you noticed the same with the Mapu. I just want to make sure that I'm not the only one. Do you ever look at Kavas in terms of Application? Like when is the best time to do this one or that one. Like right now, I'm doing Honokane and the Mapu. I have a buttload of work but I'm working thru it. The Hono is heady but the Mapu is keeping me steady freddy. I'm an excitable boy so I need a little slooowww in my life sometimes. One more observation, this is only club soda and lemon, no Fruit juice or chocolate. I can't even taste the Kava. Nada. Bupkis.
Yes, back when i had terrible anxiety issues i used to favor heavy DHK/DHM kavas because they'd knock it out. Now i'm more into the heady aspect of it. I don't enjoy kavas that make me tired as much anymore but either way i don't really drink kava during the day anymore either. I think the Kumakua is perfect for a daytime session, or anytime session really. It's potent but not incapacitating. Mapalehu wouldn't be one i'd want to drink if i had something to do. Not really sedating exactly but just made me feel too lazy.

Deleted User01

Thanks for the info. The Mapulehu does make me feel lazy. Like screw it, listen to music, and surf the internet. My next dose will be Honokane IKi with no Mapulehu. If I was really, really, really uptight, the Mapu would still be my goto for daytime sedation. One thing I like about the Mapu, I have a big list of things to do and I'm saying, "What me worry?". It will get done in good time. I love to put applications on Kava because every strain can help in a particular situation. I want to explore those uses and take full advantage of them.

Thanks for the great input! Aloha.


Kava Enthusiast
Oh man I drank like 2 tbsps of this and my head was spinning. It's really strong stuff. @yepimonfire let us know about the dermopathy.
About dermopathy, i did not notice anything from the micronized, however, i have been toss and washing some fiji lawena that is too fine to strain the past few days and my hands are incredibly dry. I will have a half pound of micronized coming in the mail today and will be switching over to this, i will report back to see if the dermopathy gets worse or goes away after using the half pound up.


Do all things with love
I went through a good 1/2 pound of micronized Honokane Iki in just under four days and the only dermopathy symptom I got was a little bit of dry irritation at the corners of my eyes. I think I did develop a true tolerance to its effects though. After a break I went back and finished the other 1/2 lb in a few days and had less eye irritation than the first time. I was really scared I was going to be attacked voraciously by the derm monster but it was all good, the micronized is really clean and I will be glad when I am able to try some of the other varieties (y)

Deleted User01

As I mentioned in an earlier post, Micronized Kava done right is not that harmful. You have to filter the coarse fibers which very few people are willing to do. The root itself has to be immaculate. You have to have a really sophisticated grinder to get it to the micronic size like Gourmet Hawaiian Kava. The whole thing is somewhat labor intensive. But like you mentioned earlier Violet, the Micronized Kava and Instant Kava is ruining me for Grog. It makes you lazy and you don't have to deal with nasty tasting Grog.
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Kava Padawan
Man if I was on the fence about micronized before reading this thread I have now fallen face first into a giant pile of micronized dreams at the end now. Looking at the Hiwa on GHK's site now. Would y'all recommend the Hiwa as far as heady, daytime kavas go? I really liked the Honokane Iki regular powder.

Deleted User01

I hear ya on the Micronized. Check your email, I sent you some info.