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Powdered Kava Review Mahakea

Chris Gauthier

Kava Curious
So, I've been drinking this stuff (and before that Papa Kea and Papa Ele Ele, when they were in stock) in the micronized for months now. After a break from kava, which had been giving me nausea, I came back amid the recent increasing (and freaking deserved) hype for Chris' micros and thought that might be the ticket, which it was. I've been enjoying the micro since without any serious GI issues or taste issues and the potency and quality of effects is unbelievably good. Everything about these products is clean and fresh, with an artful fit-and-finish. When I made my most recent purchase I bought a bag of medium grind with my micro on impulse and this is such a huge contrast with other whole root products from every other vendor I've had. First there were no visibly large pieces that made it through my strainer. This grind was more consistent and much coarser than other products I've had and nothing I didn't want made it into the drink. Mixing the sediment in my bottle and drinking it gives no GI problems yet (will update on that) and the taste is as mild as the micro. The god awful mouth-feel is something the micro is a bit better about, but you can't really get away from feeling like your drinking sand if you want to drink kava.

I like the fact that this kava isn't very numbing, yet has such profound effects in almost every other category. The effects are so much fuller, deeper, stronger and faster acting than the micro, some of which I didn't expect. I've suspected that whole strained root powder has an edge on micro for the richness of effects and now I know. Even though micro will always win for convenience most days of the week, I'll be getting a lot more of this medium grind and getting my forearm back in kneading trim. I am most excited to receive my Hurricane Blend and Qila Leka later this week.

Chris Gauthier

Kava Curious
Oops, I forgot to rate the sedation. I'd say it's at a 2 or a 3, if I'm being generous. It will definitely leave me calm enough to sleep if I want to, but the choice to lay down is all mine on this kava.

Deleted User01

Hey Chris, good review. But tell us how you really feel about Mahakea. :D
::frosty:: Deleted User01 thinks he's funny. Jman, I didn't hear that. Could you get closer and repeat that. :hungry: Awww, what am I thinking. All that stinkin' furrrrrr ....

Gourmet Hawaiian Kava

Kava Expert
Kava Vendor
Brilliant review :happy: So glad to hear a direct comparison of a micro and powder by a regular drinker. @Gourmet Hawaiian Kava how do you find the difference between mirconized and powder of the same kind?
I never found any real difference in strength or potency or anything for that matter but the micronized is as was said a bit gritty but not a problem for me, the grit is the good stuff. I should say chalky instead of gritty it is like a very fine grit, like a fine powder, wait it is a fine powder. :happy:
I personally drink the Micronized over the Medium grind. Aloha.


Deleted User01

Since Micronized is devoid of Makas, I find that I use 50% less Micronized than powder. So by volume weight, it is more potent. And it is convenient and decent tasting too. I would really like a comparison of Instant and Micronized.


Bula To Eternity
I never found any real difference in strength or potency or anything for that matter but the micronized is as was said a bit gritty but not a problem for me, the grit is the good stuff. I should say chalky instead of gritty it is like a very fine grit, like a fine powder, wait it is a fine powder. :happy:
I personally drink the Micronized over the Medium grind. Aloha.

Do you filter your micronized?? Either way how to you consume your micronized?

Chris Gauthier

Kava Curious
I love the micronized, and I am far too lazy to knead very often anymore, but it really seems like the buzz with medium grind is "thicker" somehow. It could be that when I make whole root drink I make as much as I think I'll need and end up drinking it all faster than I intended, while the micronized makes it easier to prepare small amounts that I take more leisurely. Really that's probably the deal.

On the mouth-feel, I should probably clarify that while the unstrained micro does have more grit to it, I find it goes down smoother. The medium grind stuff makes me gag, no matter how it tastes. The gravy-like consistency kind of accentuates the scratchiness as it squeezes down the gullet.

@HeadHodge, I think I remember Chris saying in some other thread that he just spoons it into a beverage and drinks it up. That's what I do and what I believe Deleted User01 did prior to making fancy syrups.

@Deleted User01, I really love that Mahakea. It's so well rounded and strong. What is the appeal of instant for someone who can stomach the micronized? I don't see how the convenience can be improved upon as I treat the micro as an instant anyway. I've only ever had BKH's instant and it was ok, but the potency didn't really do much for me.

Gourmet Hawaiian Kava

Kava Expert
Kava Vendor
Do you filter your micronized?? Either way how to you consume your micronized?
Hi HeadHodge, I just mix with water and drink, I will take a sip of root beer to wash down the kava because the root beer cuts the flavor of the kava. I know what you all are saying, my Hawaiian kava does not taste bad enough to need a chaser but I guess it is my way of doing it. (y)
