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Headed to Maui


Kava Enthusiast
I'm due for another kite/ kava trip. Does anyone know where I can buy kava retail in Maui. Preferably Hawaiian grown.

Gourmet Hawaiian Kava

Kava Expert
Kava Vendor
Wowwee Maui kava bar does not sell Hawaiian kava, there kava is okay but certainly not the best or even in that category. Too bad your not coming to the Big Island. I know we don't have any places like Hookipa for wind surfing but we have the largest kava farm over here. (y)
I sell my kava to "Maui Kava" no relation to wow wee Maui kava, look in the health food stores that is where he sells it. It has a gecko on the label and it will say Moi instant or what ever variety it is. I hope this helps. Aloha.



Kava Enthusiast
Hey Chris, I'll just see if I can get a large order delivered to the place I'm staying.

Tried for the big island, dates didn't work out. Next year


Kava Curious
I wanted to respond to this because I'm not sure when your heading to maui, but I live here out in the jungle and have a guy who's got a small field of very potent roots, I go and dig them up, I usually wash them off cut them up put in a bag and freeze, the fresh is so much nicer, I love it, the strain is up for debate, he said both Fiji and new Zealand. Haven't heard of new Zealand strain but it could be right, it's for sure not Two day, so if your still around I can hook you up with good fresh roots!


There's a kava bar called Wowee Maui. I'm sure they'll sell you some. http://www.mauikavabar.com/
Maui wowee makes several gourmet chocolate bars with a combination of interesting ingredients , like chocolate mixed with potato chips. They have chocolate bars with kava, as well.

I was under the impression that they served a good Tongan variety at their bar. Also heard about their fish tacos being tasty. A bit overpriced , though. Report back if you wind up there...


Kava Curious
That kava bar is ok, the shells are like 1/4 the strength of normal strong preparations, 2 and maybe your starting to catch a little bit of a buzz. 6 per shell, not really worth it, if you buy it there it's about 30 for 8 oz. As far as the root goes it's very good Tongan, weak like most Tongan, but the effects are really top quality, unfortunately it's immediate dermopathy, there's a Filipino store called paradise, they also have a Tongan variety sometimes behind the counter unmarked for people who know about it for nine dollars for about the same amount, a bit weaker though.


Kava Enthusiast
The kava was a little pricy per cup, and the waitress was kind of suprised I ordered it. They also didn't know what kind it was, that doesn't inspire a lot of faith in me.
They had 1/2 pount bags for sale, but the effect was so mild and the flavour so awful I wouldn't reccoment it.
Appearantly it's grown in Hana. They also have a small plant out front for decoration.
I really like hawaii, but three things are wierd about it
1- Kava is rare
2- Nobody composts
3- It was annexed into the US by force and nobody seems to care/ remember

Anyway thanks to GHK and Paradise. Picked up some while I was there, good to have those two solid suppliers around.