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Kava Preparation Is Kneading a "chore" to you?


I was looking over one of the other threads, where someone inquired about putting kava in a nutribullet, to make things go faster. They only have a couple of posts, and from my own experience, and from reading the posts of new people, it seems like many people who are new to kava, want to find the fastest and easiest way to do it.

Now that I've been into kava a while, and 9/10 of my consumption has been from standard grind root, I have begun to find the process of kneading very meditative. At first, it was something that seemed like a lot of mess, and I had to figure out all the logistics, and what I had that would make a good strainer, things like that. But now that I know how to do it, it's very easy. I know that I get out my green bowl, and my blue cup. I line the blue cup with a nylon sock, stretched around the outer edge, and put the kava in there. Tie up the nylon, put it in the bowl. Get the blue cup about half full of slightly warm water. Knead the kava in the green bowl with that, the warm water helping to loosen things up. Add the other half of the blue cup, with cold water, and knead some more. When I am done, the blue cup is full of kava. I used to drink the whole thing, but these days, I find I'm needing half of the cup, or maybe 3/4 if I ate food recently.

But anyway, the routine became very comforting after a while. It's five to ten minutes of time, where I can only do one thing with my hands, and I know I'm about to get something very relaxing out of it, and a product that is generally far superior to any other kava preparation. It makes me happy to do it. Sometimes it is nice to have micro and instant, for when I don't have the luxury of time, but I no longer see a need for the easiest/ fastest way. I was just wondering if anyone else has gone through this: having your attitude toward kneading change from seeming like a pain, to more of a luxury. :)

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
Kneading kava is a chore for me until the minute I sit down with the bowl and strainer. It instantly transforms into somewhat of a meditative process for me. It really helps me calm down, and enjoy the moment when I know there's nothing else I have to be doing right then and there.


❦ॐ tanuki tamer
Personally, I would take a faster option if it were available and cost effective, but I really can't understand the "kneading is hard" mindset. If you told teenage anxiety-riddled kavadude he could've solved his problems with 30 minutes of work a day (assuming serious double straining and round up the time I spend on it), he would've been like aww yeah hand me that gross smelling strainer and let's get to work.


I'm interested in things
I find kneading relaxing. I just put on some music, which seems to make it less tedious. Three 3-minute pop songs, or one long song later, ready to drink.

Deleted User01

I know I'm in the minority, but Kneading is a chore for me. I just don't have time for it. I used to knead on Sunday mornings and make kava for a week. I would bottle it and stick it in the fridge. But it's hard to do that when I have computer work to do (7 days a week) and followed by gardening chores. I've also got trigger fingers all over my fingers, some kind of arthritis. Squeezing and kneading has become painful because it uses all those little fine bones and tendons in my fingers. Ouch! :eek: So I'm super happy with Micronized and Instant Kava. Maybe when I retire then I will take up Kneading again but using the blender and some kind of press. Maybe something like a grape press like wine makers use.

Steve Mariotti

Kavapithecus Krunkarensis
Review Maestro
I'd say that 90% of the time I find the kneading to be mental preparation for the kava state of mind, and I enjoy and try to pay full mind to it. I've got a system too, and I like that system.

The other 10% of the time I just mix some Kalm Concentrate in water and have that if I'm not up for the traditional prep. It's not the same effect, but it's handy, tasty and gives me enough of a perspective shift to let the anxiety melt away.


Personally, I would take a faster option if it were available and cost effective, but I really can't understand the "kneading is hard" mindset. If you told teenage anxiety-riddled kavadude he could've solved his problems with 30 minutes of work a day (assuming serious double straining and round up the time I spend on it), he would've been like aww yeah hand me that gross smelling strainer and let's get to work.
That is a completely true thing. My issues started in my 20's, but it would have been nice to have kava, then. Several hundred bucks of ER bills and prescription for ativan doesn't help a stress problem at all.

August West

Kava Enthusiast
When I make a batch this evening, I'll fill an empty water bottle with kava, and put it in the fridge for the tomorrow. That way when tomorrow comes, I can have my first shell right before I make my next batch. I've been doing it this way for about six months now.
There's nothing more relaxing than drinking kava while kneading kava.


Bula To Eternity
When I make a batch this evening, I'll fill an empty water bottle with kava, and put it in the fridge for the tomorrow. That way when tomorrow comes, I can have my first shell right before I make my next batch. I've been doing it this way for about six months now.
There's nothing more relaxing than drinking kava while kneading kava.
Kinda like chain-smoking :)



Kava Lover
I have reverted back to using a blender. The knead and strain doesn't take too much longer than my blender prep but it is much harder on my hands. My joints are already beat from working with my hands for years and adding the kava dryness to them has been awful. My fingertips are always cracked and bleeding. It's not just the kneading that drys them out but limiting it seems to help.


The average stressed-out Asian high schooler in NY
It's not so much a chore, but I need to keep things discreet. I wanted to see if I could use a nutrabullet to do it quickly during the night because if my parents or brother sees a high schooler with a bag of strange herbals there will be trouble for me.


Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
Review Maestro
It's begun to feel like a bit of a chore, especially when I'm runnin' late. That's when micronized or kalmcentrate come in handy, pop some of that down before kneading, for a quick little jump off point/relaxer. There is a part of me that enjoys the process and I usually watch a tv series while I knead to take my mind off the time.

If we look to the pacific islands, the duty has been relegated to the young teenagers or nakamal employees. Obviously, the men have found it to be a chore and prefer to be served kava.