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Tobacco User


Kava Curious
As you can prolly guess from my name I live in Alabama. Well here in the South many of the young boys start out using smokeless tobacco (dip) we pilfer from our fathers. I personally started when I was 12 years old. Fast forward 17 years and I still have this bad habit. I am going to run a experiment. Taking a empty dip can I am going to fill it with the medium grind kava I have coming. Then I will simply use this instead of tobacco when the craving gets to nuch. What do you guys think any dangers to this? Gotta be better than the tobacco right? I have tried quitting many times and the hardest part for me is the oral fixation of it. I simply just miss the taste and the feeling of it packed between my cheek and gum. Any input is appreciated. Thank you guys.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
It'll definitely help reduce the anxiety and restless included with quitting. I think you're onto something rather awesome, honestly. If this works it could be another open door to those wishing they could be free of tobacco.


Kava Curious
It'll definitely help reduce the anxiety and restless included with quitting. I think you're onto something rather awesome, honestly. If this works it could be another open door to those wishing they could be free of tobacco.
I hope so I've got many friends I would like to see quit aswell. Also since my son was born I don't wish to see him following the same path that I did I don't want him to see me doing and think it's OK.


Kava Enthusiast
Defiantly worth a go! I didn't realize people still chewed tobacco! Never seen anybody in the UK do it. Each to their own though.
Best of luck to you!


Kava Enthusiast
Idk if kava would have that burn that good dip has. Maybe use kava for the anxiety. The use soMe of that tobacco free dip. Hope u can quit, nicotine is a bitch the first week off.


All Hail Leon
Have you tried snus as a form of tapering? Not the "big-tobacco" snus from the american companies, I mean the stuff that's made from actual tobacco with no additives.

Don't get me wrong, I wish you well in your quest to quit, just wondering if you've considered tapering with something more natural as an aid to the process.


❦ॐ tanuki tamer
If you want to literally replace it, I believe some vendors sell rootlets that you can chew on and get some effect. Just keeping med grind in your cheek probably won't do too much, although drinking kava will help with anxiety


Kava Curious
If you want to literally replace it, I believe some vendors sell rootlets that you can chew on and get some effect. Just keeping med grind in your cheek probably won't do too much, although drinking kava will help with anxiety
Yeah I'm gonna order some of the rootlets from GHK when they are back in stock. Seems like the moi rootlets would be nice for that.


Kava Curious
If you want to literally replace it, I believe some vendors sell rootlets that you can chew on and get some effect. Just keeping med grind in your cheek probably won't do too much, although drinking kava will help with anxiety
Also I thought that medium grind would work as long as I chewed it some and swallowed the juices along with the finely ground root? I have a cast iron stomach and dry herbals have never bothered me. I was just planning to throw in a fair amount let some slide between my teeth in intervals chee it and swallow. Not ideal I know but I think it could work.


❦ॐ tanuki tamer
It'll work if you swallow all of it, yeah. I would go with pre-prepared traditional kava for a variety of reasons


Kava Curious
Have you tried snus as a form of tapering? Not the "big-tobacco" snus from the american companies, I mean the stuff that's made from actual tobacco with no additives.

Don't get me wrong, I wish you well in your quest to quit, just wondering if you've considered tapering with something more natural as an aid to the process.
I have but I'm the type that is going to cold turkey rip the band aid off lol.


Kava Curious
It'll work if you swallow all of it, yeah. I would go with pre-prepared traditional kava for a variety of reasons
Oh I am going to make some traditional up to keep with me. Prolly do a second wash off of the stuff I make the night before to potentiate the effects of the chewing. It's just the act of it and feeling something next to my gum is very comforting.


Kava Vendor
As you can prolly guess from my name I live in Alabama. Well here in the South many of the young boys start out using smokeless tobacco (dip) we pilfer from our fathers. I personally started when I was 12 years old. Fast forward 17 years and I still have this bad habit. I am going to run a experiment. Taking a empty dip can I am going to fill it with the medium grind kava I have coming. Then I will simply use this instead of tobacco when the craving gets to nuch. What do you guys think any dangers to this? Gotta be better than the tobacco right? I have tried quitting many times and the hardest part for me is the oral fixation of it. I simply just miss the taste and the feeling of it packed between my cheek and gum. Any input is appreciated. Thank you guys.
If you have a way to wet the Kava a little bit before packing it in will make it easier to get in there without a big mess. Just a little sprinkle to kind of fuse the small grinds of Kava together while you're packing it in.


Kava Lover
Ugh! Good luck to you. I started dipping to try to quit smoking years ago. Didn't realize how much harder dip was to quit! I moved to a country that didn't have dip, that made it easy! Picked up the smokes again of course.

Good luck!


Kava Enthusiast
I tried putting a little kava between the cheek and gum once. It starts falling apart pretty quick. Now, I've heard that kava congeals under heat. I wonder if there's a way to heat it into something more tobacco like?


Kava Curious
I tried putting a little kava between the cheek and gum once. It starts falling apart pretty quick. Now, I've heard that kava congeals under heat. I wonder if there's a way to heat it into something more tobacco like?
Good question. Guess I'm gonna have science the situation!


Kava Lover
Good question. Guess I'm gonna have science the situation!
I tried using tea bags to replace the chew. Worked well. Took about 3 weeks. First I just weaned down on tobacco so it wasn't so much the nicotine but more just the act of packing and spitting/gutting. I chewed for about 11 years as well.

Best of luck. My son made me quit as well.

Kojo Douglas

The Kavasseur
I was able to kick cigs three years ago just by a change in environment. I had moved to Ethiopia and the people I was working with were very unaccepting of cigs. So I just kind of didn't have any and had to stop. After six months straight I took some leave and was exposed to cigs, but I had no desire to go back.

Obviously, that's not a situation that everyone can afford to come across... But life is certainly better without tobacco addiction.