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What Country in the World is the Riskiest Place to Live?


Kava Curious
Humanity's greatest tragedies have been self-inflicted.
Respectfully I have to disagree. Epidemics and natural disasters have had the most widespread impact to date. In years to come in sure your claim will have its validity. Human inflicted global warming and what not.


I'm interested in things
Speaking of volcanoes, not far from me is the Yellowstone Caldera, which is actually a "supervolcano" that erupts about every 500,000 years "about 1 million times more powerfully than an atomic bomb" It last erupted 640,000 years ago...


Kava aficionado
Speaking of volcanoes, not far from me is the Yellowstone Caldera, which is actually a "supervolcano" that erupts about every 500,000 years "about 1 million times more powerfully than an atomic bomb" It last erupted 640,000 years ago...
So what you are saying is that we are past due for a pretty big Boom!


Yaqona Dina
Respectfully I have to disagree. Epidemics and natural disasters have had the most widespread impact to date. In years to come in sure your claim will have its validity. Human inflicted global warming and what not.
Man is certainly responsible for more deaths than natural disasters. Mao, Stalin, and Hitler combined killed between 90-188 million people and that's only recent history. However, I hadn't though of epidemics. That would certainly trump everything else.


Kava Lover
Man is certainly responsible for more deaths than natural disasters. Mao, Stalin, and Hitler combined killed between 90-188 million people and that's only recent history. However, I hadn't though of epidemics. That would certainly trump everything else.
The plague was a nasty one. Although I suppose urbanization and lack of sanitation may have had a lot to do with that...

Kojo Douglas

The Kavasseur
Man is certainly responsible for more deaths than natural disasters. Mao, Stalin, and Hitler combined killed between 90-188 million people and that's only recent history. However, I hadn't though of epidemics. That would certainly trump everything else.
This is spot on. Hunger and preventable diseases are often strategies used by governments to demand obedience and subservience. Millions of people died in colonial India of hunger as grains were shipped to England. Stalin starved people to death for political reasons. Ignoring public health crises like HIV, water poisoning, malaria, cholera, and other preventable diseases is an act of informed neglect. Even the responses we make to natural disasters are within our control. War and school shootings are just the tip of the iceberg.


Kava Curious
This is spot on. Hunger and preventable diseases are often strategies used by governments to demand obedience and subservience. Millions of people died in colonial India of hunger as grains were shipped to England. Stalin starved people to death for political reasons. Ignoring public health crises like HIV, water poisoning, malaria, cholera, and other preventable diseases is an act of informed neglect. Even the responses we make to natural disasters are within our control. War and school shootings are just the tip of the iceberg.
Agreed with this especially in today's society. The terrorist attacks that we seem to let consume are fears are on such a small scale. 50 people die in a terrorist attack in the western world and everyone freaks out while many are constantly dying elsewhere

Zac Imiola (Herbalist)

Kava Connoisseur
That's all for oil, that's the reason we're not in central Africa fighting genocidal rulers there... if they had oil you better believe youd here of us having to bring "democracy" to Africa !


I'm interested in things

Zac Imiola (Herbalist)

Kava Connoisseur
@Kavasseur your statements about Africa still baffle me... the idea of listening to a girl being raped and knowing there's nothing you could do or actually living under a tyrant government or suppressive is just unfathomable to me..


Kava aficionado
Humanity's greatest tragedies have been self-inflicted.
We are the viruses of this planet, when you really think about it and inevitably someday will destroy ourselves. This planet is a living, breathing being, it will find a way to rid itself of mankind, though I have a feeling we are going to end up doing it ourselves much faster at the rate we are going.

Kojo Douglas

The Kavasseur
@Kavasseur your statements about Africa still baffle me... the idea of listening to a girl being raped and knowing there's nothing you could do or actually living under a tyrant government or suppressive is just unfathomable to me..
Well, it's not something I like to talk about much. But it's important to know that people who work in humanitarian emergency contexts go through a lot, and often come back with similar problems as veterans. The only difference is that we don't participate in the violence. In that sense, it can be worse. Because we have to witness things that we can't intervene on. I want to emphasize here that South Sudan is the only place where I have worked where I had to be witness to such things. Most of Africa is remarkably peaceful and friendly.

Probably the worst thing I ever witnessed was South Sudanese soldiers get drunk and crush a beggar child's legs for fun. It was at an outside bar under a mango tree. The kid went from table to table begging for money. When he got to their table, they grabbed and held him down and pounded his kneecaps with rocks, laughing and looking around while the rest of the people at the bar just stared at the ground. I put my money on the table for my drink, vomited, and left.

Zac Imiola (Herbalist)

Kava Connoisseur
Wow.. that's insane. A women just came in the restaurant today saying she was in the peace corps when she was younger in Africa .. I wonder which area.

It's insane the depth to which we are "protected" via media from hearing truly inhumane things