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  1. K

    Best Value Cheap Kava

    Dabbies? Dabbed out? When I hear dab I think of weed dabs lol
  2. K

    Giving kava another chance

    I gave Kava a break of about a month or so. I'm still pretty new to it as my name implies lol. Long story short, reverse tolerance never seemed to go away even after times I thought I had a break through. It was very inconsistent and a little annoying because I wanted to experience what people...
  3. K

    New kava user with reverse tolerance

    Quick question is makas that have thawed out in the fridge for 2 days safe to drink? Want to be sure because I heard it ferments fast.
  4. K

    New kava user with reverse tolerance

    Hahaha I just jinxed myself. Had some kava earlier and ralphed it back up. I feel better now and my stomach was feeling fine prior to consumption. My body just decided to reject it this time around. I got kava kicked
  5. K

    New kava user with reverse tolerance

    The other night I was able to feel stronger effects from the kava. What I did was kneaded it with milk and then ate a hamburger like an hour after dosing. Let's just say I felt similar to how I do after smoking weed, plus a relaxing body high. It was awesome. Oh. And the nausea hasnt happened...
  6. K

    New kava user with reverse tolerance

    Isn't that the truth? I was feeling something from it earlier and felt quite relaxed and content. I made sure to not eat right after taking the kava but later on I got hungry so I ate. I felt fine after that but now I'm feeling really nauseous again. I'll give this a rest for a few days or so...
  7. K

    New kava user with reverse tolerance

    Thanks (: this is one of the friendliest online communities I've ever been a part of.
  8. K

    Exercises for upper back pain between shoulder blades

    First of all I want to say thanks to everyone on these forums for being so positive, friendly, and willing to help answer questions. I figured I would post this here, I've had upper back pain for 7 years now, I've seen doctors. I've tried physical therapy and seeing a chiropractor. I'm currently...
  9. K

    New kava user with reverse tolerance

    I hope y'all understand I'm not trying to be negative. I'm just tired of the kava not working for me. The few times it did work I noticed an anti anxiety effect and felt more talkative but the effects keep diminishing after 20 minutes. It's just expensive and the taste is really bitter and I...
  10. K

    New kava user with reverse tolerance

    Ugh today I had some and now my stomach is feeling really crappy like I could throw up. Idk why this is happening. I definitely can't stomach anymore tonight and I only had a couple of shells. Edit: I took a hydroxyzine to help with the nausea after making sure there's no dangerous interaction...
  11. K

    New kava user with reverse tolerance

    Figured I would update this post because why not? I thought my reverse tolerance was fully over with but it might not be. After I posted in here last, about 20-30 minutes later the effects kind of wore off. I still felt some relaxation in my body but the other effects just went away quick...
  12. K

    New kava user with reverse tolerance

    Update: I got it today and made a pretty strong batch since I'm unsure if my RT is fully over with. Made 4 tbsps with 16 oz of water and a splash of milk. This is the most bitter kava I have tasted. Also the most mouth numbing one I've had. Those are good signs lol and I'm already feeling...
  13. K

    New kava user with reverse tolerance

    Thanks. I went ahead and ordered some today. :) Update: wow! It's already shipped. I've never had service this quick when ordering stuff online. That's so awesome
  14. K

    Getting Kisa's Kava today, plan on trying it out tonight or tomorrow

    I've had many shells tonight probably like 5 or so. And most of them were from the makas I thawed out from the freezer. I'm feeling a sensation similar to being slightly drunk, my body feels light and I feel very relaxed. My mind is in this headspace where I'm so content with everything and not...
  15. K

    New kava user with reverse tolerance

    Specifically I've been eyeballing the Loa Lawena from cactus kava
  16. K

    New kava user with reverse tolerance

    hi, so as some of you already know I'm new and I tried out Kisa's kava, and because of my reverse tolerance I didn't really feel much effects. I'm wondering on where I should go next with my next purchase, I don't want to spend too much money but I also want to be sure it's a strong kava. I...
  17. K

    Getting Kisa's Kava today, plan on trying it out tonight or tomorrow

    I still didn't really feel much of anything. It gave me a slight relaxation but aside from that my reverse tolerance is still there. Oh well, I'll keep trying (:
  18. K

    Getting Kisa's Kava today, plan on trying it out tonight or tomorrow

    Alright man I took your word for it. I didn't have quite 8 tablespoons left it was more like 6 or 7. And then I kneaded with 3 cups water. I just got done drinking my first shell of it. Mouth is super numb lol I'll let you know how it goes. I got some leftover makas in the freezer and I'll have...
  19. K

    Getting Kisa's Kava today, plan on trying it out tonight or tomorrow

    So I've continued to experiment with this kava and for the most part I'm really not feeling much effects from it. I've noticed subtle effects like feeling slightly more calm. I made sure to knead it long enough and drink on an empty stomach. My reverse tolerance is still there. Does anyone else...
  20. K

    Getting Kisa's Kava today, plan on trying it out tonight or tomorrow

    I just kneaded another batch and I think I know what I did wrong. my first batch last night seemed to have effect but the other ones I don't think I kneaded them enough. I compared the leftover Kava that I made last night to the Kava that I made just now, and it's darker in color. you live and...