kava powder

  1. Fantafyren

    Only a couple of weeks into trying Kava and have some questions, so please help a newster out

    So I used to be both a junkie and and alcoholic for 8 years, but I finally got sober back in May. Then this December I almost relapsed, but decided to order a shit ton of different nootropics and down a bunch of alcohol free beverages just so I can "Relapse" without relapsing. You know snorting...
  2. Elmanaro

    El Manaro Kava Preparation Tables

    Hey kava family, I did some calculations (and empirical investigation) last night on how to mix regular and instant kava to achieve the perfect Vanuatu mix. 5 Shells and you're gone! The units are in metric and US. Please inform me if you would like the US measurements to be altered to how you...
  3. Elmanaro

    Regular Vanuatu Kava Powder Now Available! *All Varieties*

    Hey Kava family, I've been hard at work sorting out a good supply of regular kava powder and I'm pleased to announce that we can now provide it to you. I've just loaded up the selection on our site and you should be able to view it now. Hopefully I can take more product photos on the weekend...