kava science

  1. N

    If kavalactones are water insoluble what is colouring the water that brown colour?

    Sorry idk if this is the right thread to ask this. I was experimenting with my kava prep as I do basically every time I make kava but this time I forgot I had something I needed to do before I could start making kava and ended up leaving the kava soaking in cold water in the fridge for a good...
  2. Pauli

    Scientific study on reverse tolerance?

    Do you know scientific studies showing how reverse tolerance works in the brain? thanks
  3. TheKavaSociety

    Kava Science A new MSc thesis on kava: "Chemical and Microbiological Ecology of 'Awa"

    https://search.proquest.com/openview/4e66be09eef93e459cf40bfc5531e4b7/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=18750&diss=y I must admit much of this research is difficult for me to understand or assess, but hopefully @verticity or others (@Palmetto ?) could offer us a brief ELI5 summary? :)