
  1. Coral Sea Kava

    Coral Sea Kava Products

    Instant Green Kelai Kava Our Kelai kava tea is shade-grown on the fertile volcanic slopes of Epi. A collective of small-lot farmers first begins by raising the kava in their gardens free of pesticides and fertilizers for 5 years before selection. Next, they hand-harvest on demand to ensure the...
  2. Karuna Kava

    Kava Beverage Cacao Vanilla Kelai

    Organic Cacao Shells and Tahitian Vanilla bean are a few of the natural ingredients found in this ready to drink traditional kava variety from Karuna Kava. Smooth flavor combines with strong and effective Kelai Vanuatu kava root to create a delightful and easy-drinking kava for at home or on the...
  3. Elmanaro

    We got that Boro

    We just added a bunch of new varieties to our inventory! Including the very popular and well-known Borogu and Melo Melo varieties! & we have more coming! Check us out at We also have traditional pandanus beach mats (PM me for discount rates $70 includes US shipping...
  4. Elmanaro

    Just thought I'd put this here

    We're coming for you Fiji
  5. P

    Is this painting showing Vanuatu?

    The lady carring a kava bowl on her head? Thanks