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Micronized Kava Review 11 Year Waka


Kava Enthusiast
It rocks!
It is easily in my top 10 favorite life is good vibe place. I just ran out. I find it and Kula are kind of simillar. I think the Kula was a bit more energetic for me.
It lead me to a KFA silly life is good place. I found it was a awsome mix of JustDoit! and was the first kava I found to help figure out the kinds of kava's I like. it has a lot of kick (for me) I think I desribed it once as a very pleasent body tingly thing with awsome...Life Is good thing in the head. Weirdly I found my self curius again about things. It also lead me to a nice place to be loosy goosy just enjoy some TV or do art kind of place. It kind of reminds me a nice walk with gentle breese kind of place the great way kind eventually realy nice place of oh I'm suddenly a goofball but yet just enjoy some simple stir fry and Iron Monkey and listening to the SO vent about her issues.
It also almost scored me a weby-web project. LOL seriusly I had a bit of it (accidentally) with iced tea. I thought I washed a cup out way better than I had., found myself asking questions about the project that person needed help with they hadn't thought of.

Easily in my top 5 favorite kavas. Now that i've had the Kula, the two for me are a lot alike in someways. Both rock in their own way. The 11 year I think is a bit better for gaming such as World of Warcraft. But tis close. Both leaad to have the worst case of the gigles though. By worst I meen best.



Kava Enthusiast
Nice review @gork. Some of the heavier kavas are know to cause a little bit of nausea. Do you get nausea with all Mcronized (too much fiber in your diet) or just the heavy ones. Anyway, I always count Micronized Kava when I tell the doctor how much fiber I have in my diet. :D
Huh good question. ^_^ ...looking back at it you're onto something!. Makahea Micronized is fine Micronized (only way i've had it.) If blacksand is a Micro it was pretty gentle but once gave me humorous gas. Where as Pouni Ono was great for my mood. ^_^ LOL and acounting for Fiber in your diet with Kava LOL that's awesome