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A few Kava Questions.


Kava Curious
(on average, I realize different Kava's act Differently)
1: How long dose it usually take you to start to feel the effects after drinking the Kava?
2: how long do the effects last?
3: how long dose your Kava last you? lets say.. a 500g 1.1lbs bag. (drinking for one) ... maybe a better question would be, How many servings (to get desired effects) do you on average get out of a 500g bag of Kava.
4: Instant Kava - whats your favorite liquid to make instant Kava with, ex: water, apple juice etc.

Thanks for your time! (sorry I ask so many questions, just trying to learn :))


Kava Enthusiast
1) For my current favorite solomon, I feel really nice around the one hour mark. I like to drink 4oz every 10-15 mins then tapper off to 15-20

2) Again, for solomon, maybe the nice nice effects last for 1hr to 2, then you just feel good and comfortable

3) 500g bag, maybe 3 sessions? But I'm probably using too much, about 1cup root to 3 cups water, and the second wash 3 cups water

4) don't use water, I like apple juice for instant.

all on an empty stomach and moderate caffeine consumption before noon (60 mg) and kava session starts around 8pm

When I was starting out, I didn't feel too much and in fact lost interest and stopped drinking for a while -- for some reason you body needs to 'learn' how to process the kava. On the next day I would get stomach issues (sometimes up to 2 days) and feel soooo lazy.

The stomach issues went away after I learned that you really need to strain 4 times or more, also now I don't feel lazy the next day just an overall mellow out feeling with no loss of motivation.

Everyone's different. After reading some reviews from kavasseur and kaiden about how music and taste are enhanced, I'm jealous, that doesn't happen to me.

I'll probably start another thread on this, but when in the act of talking the head effects seem stronger, hard to explain cuz the feeling is so fleeting , anyone else notice?


Kava Curious
1.) I also drink a shell every 10-15 mins and then start losing track of how long its been and start going to 15-20. The "peak" part usually comes on between shells 3 and 4, but you can keep this going by drinking more.(a shell being about 4oz, but I drink bigger shells if its weaker kava) with really good kava the first shell will come on fast.

2.) That depends on the kava, and how much you drink. say 3-5 shells is good for 2-8 hours depending on the kava. There is a certain after effect when the main effects are gone but you still feel content and mellow. Chiefs, stone and wow I always wake up the next day still feeling it.(trust me thats a good thing unless you have work early) Tongan and solomon last about five hours for me and dont typically have a strong next day feeling. But this really depends on how much you drink, because the shells build on each other and if your drinking kava until sunrise youll be feeling it for a while sometimes 2 days. I used to be able to drink shell after shell but the more kava you drink the less tolerance you have and now 5 shells is a very happy place.

3.) This depends on how strong you make your kava. I use about one cup of root to 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 cups of less water for weaker strains, more water for stronger. For the second batch I use 1/2 to 1 cup less water than I used with the first. The second batch is about half strength, and I like to drink the first batch until it gets real sandy at the bottom and add that to the second batch which kicks the second one up a notch. So 500g gets me about 6-8 nights(5-7shells) of first batch, and 6-8 second batch. sometimes I use the second batch as a starter for the first but that means by the time shell one of the first batch comes around Im already feeling pretty good. So you get about 30-34 strong shells and maybe 24-28 second batch shells. But I do make it strong some people use more water in their ratio.

4.)I like using ginger ale for instant because It tastes really good and the ginger helps mellow out my stomach.

Sorry this is a bit long but I hope it helps in some way. bula!


Kava Curious
Thanks for all the great input!! helps me a lot. I'm starting to think I can't afford to drink Kava as much I would like.. lol 3-6 nights for ~30$ while not a ton, my wife is having a baby, the due date is in 10 days! (and i am going to be a stay at home dad, as she has a good job and I don't have a job at all. I guess i'll have to cope and drink maybe once on the weekends.

if any one has any advice on how to stretch out the kava to get more for you money id love to hear about it! :D
! I'm still fairly new to Kava, and there isn't always readily available information to answer my questions! Kudos for the great answers, it really helped me!