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a few more questions..


Im new to this so I apologize for the many questions and I thank you all for your help..1. Im wondering if its ok to have more than 1 different kind of kava within the day(even if theyre hours apart)...2. also Im wondering what the average TB amount is to drink throughout the day..as far as I know 3 TB is a good sized drink but how many is "too many" throughout the day. I have recieved several kinds of kava from Nakamal @ home and I enjoy the Tongan a lot so far because of its mellowing properties but I feel as if I could use more than 3 TB..
On another note thank you to the creator of this site and everyone else- I found a lot of valuable info here when I was about to give up on kava..I had ordered from Konakava and was very dissapointed..I learned that I wasnt the only one and that their are better kavas out there so thanks!!


Kava Enthusiast

1. Yes that is fine. You could have 20 different kinds of kavas and be fine. Actually mixing kavas is fun because sometimes it produces effects you cant find in each of them singularly.

2. 2 TB per cup is a pretty good amount, 3 TB per cup if you want to go nuts. Nakamal at home states that you should use 1 whole cup (16 TB) per 2 cups of water, therefore being 8 whooping TB per cup.

Basically use as much kava as you want, to a extent. Next time try 8 TB per 4 cups of water, thats what I normally use, and hell sometimes I use more if i feel like it, and sometimes I use less.