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A good muslin strainer


Kava Lover
Can anyone direct me to a good muslin strainer bag that wont break? I got a great one as a bonus from Kalm but I dont see them for sale on their own at the site. The one I had got kind of gross so I tossed it. I usually store my strainers in the freezer to prevent mold and bacterial growth but I left it out for a day or 2 and decided to toss it. I regret that decision lol. Now I have a nutmilk bag that works ok but I have a few problems with it. Firstly it is quite large for the modest 15-20g I usually strain at a time. It works but it makes it difficult to bring all the little bits of kava together to wring it out. Secondly I HATE the way the netting feels in my hands. Nylon stockings feel great but this nylon netting from the nutmilk bag is zippy and horrible. Straining is such a pleasant experience with cotton or even stockings. Lastly when I use the nutmilk nylon bag I always end up with bits of makas floating in my grog despite the fact that It is an 80 micron strainer! I think the fibers can be torn a little making stuff leak out. With cotton or stockings it seems that the flexibility of the material actually helps because it is generally thicker but stretches slightly instead of making small tares, and it wrings out much more effectively due to the thickness and porousness I want something that can comfortably be used for 15 grams up to maybe 40 if I have company that is food-grade and is very comfortable in my hands :)


Kava Enthusiast
Kava-Straining Muslin Bags | Kalm with Kava

They do have them. You just have to go to the all products page.

I do have one from KWK I got for free and never used. Id be happy to send it your way. I have used similar Fijian strainers and didn't like them much, as they make it too weak. At least compared to stockings.
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Unique & Passionate.
Hey cutie. The one on Cactus Kava is large and good. It comes free with an order, but I would not recommend their kava because of the low kavalactone percentages, yet they get great reviews on here and have decent prices. ::simplecontentz::


I'm interested in things
I know it is the height of political incorrectness to cast aspersions upon an entire class of fabric, but in my experience muslin bags are just the worst. It tends to rip easily and gets very funky and smelly... I used to use nylon stockings for the same reason as you: I liked the nice squishy feeling. You can double them up if too much fibrous material gets through. Unfortunately they are not really food safe. But these days I use nylon monofilament bags. At first I had the same problem that they felt weird and rigid while kneading, but I have gotten used to that and now use them pretty much exclusively. If you get good ones they won't tear. The Cactus Kava ones are good, and you can also get good filters from Duda Diesel (used for filtering biodiesel) in various micron ratings. The Duda Diesel bags are kind of huge for the purpose, but you can just put your kava in the bottom and kind of twist them up to make it easier to knead, and I have not been able to rip or tear one yet.


Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
Review Maestro
^ I'm on the Duda Diesel train, best strainer I've ever had. I started with nylon stockings and paint strainers in 2003...broke 'em all and didn't ever have the micron control that I do now. These tough nylon bags, with micron size options are the best it gets. They don't absorb water, they don't stretch, they don't brake. The only change I'd make, is to not have the reinforced seam at the bottom where I knead. 1) For the feel. 2) Because it can trap moisture and particles that could go funky or be hard to completely clean with certainty. -- I also cut the ring off the top of mine, because they're a nuisance to my prep., but for some situations, the ring can be useful.

(100 micron)
It used to be white, it could probably kr(_)nk you up if you ate it now.​


I'm interested in things
^ I'm on the Duda Diesel train, best strainer I've ever had. I started with nylon stockings and paint strainers in 2003...broke 'em all and didn't ever have the micron control that I do now. These tough nylon bags, with micron size options are the best it gets. They don't absorb water, they don't stretch, they don't brake. The only change I'd make, is to not have the reinforced seam at the bottom where I knead. 1) For the feel. 2) Because it can trap moisture and particles that could go funky or be hard to completely clean with certainty. -- I also cut the ring off the top of mine, because they're a nuisance to my prep., but for some situations, the ring can be useful.
View attachment 8034
(100 micron)
It used to be white, it could probably kr(_)nk you up if you ate it now.​
If you soak that in alcohol you can remove most of that gunk. You might not be able to make it white again, but at least a lighter yellow. But like you say, the seam is hard to clean thoroughly and tends to remain brownish.


Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
Review Maestro
If you soak that in alcohol you can remove most of that gunk. You might not be able to make it white again, but at least a lighter yellow. But like you say, the seam is hard to clean thoroughly and tends to remain brownish.
Sounds like a plan ::chugger::


Kava Lover
Wow. I thought we were a peaceful community here and come to find out we have an anti-muslin and anti-brown bag contingent....


Kava Enthusiast
I've been using these SE Asian coffee strainer bags the last year, as a finisher following massaging in a nylon stocking.
They are cheap and take out a lot of the fines.
I started getting dermo the last few years but since using these cotton bags for a final strain have had no problems.

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Krunkie McKrunkface

Kava Connoisseur
Can anyone direct me to a good muslin strainer bag that wont break? I got a great one as a bonus from Kalm but I dont see them for sale on their own at the site. The one I had got kind of gross so I tossed it. I usually store my strainers in the freezer to prevent mold and bacterial growth but I left it out for a day or 2 and decided to toss it. I regret that decision lol. Now I have a nutmilk bag that works ok but I have a few problems with it. Firstly it is quite large for the modest 15-20g I usually strain at a time. It works but it makes it difficult to bring all the little bits of kava together to wring it out. Secondly I HATE the way the netting feels in my hands. Nylon stockings feel great but this nylon netting from the nutmilk bag is zippy and horrible. Straining is such a pleasant experience with cotton or even stockings. Lastly when I use the nutmilk nylon bag I always end up with bits of makas floating in my grog despite the fact that It is an 80 micron strainer! I think the fibers can be torn a little making stuff leak out. With cotton or stockings it seems that the flexibility of the material actually helps because it is generally thicker but stretches slightly instead of making small tares, and it wrings out much more effectively due to the thickness and porousness I want something that can comfortably be used for 15 grams up to maybe 40 if I have company that is food-grade and is very comfortable in my hands :)
fwiw I have had really good success with these: http://a.co/hdWEHKB