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A kava best suited for alcohol cessation?


Kava Enthusiast
Today I made a commitment to myself to discontinue the drinking of alcoholic beverages.  Naturally, I plan on incorporating kava into my strategy for sticking to it.  I'm thinking that if I can find a kava that is particularly comparable to alcohol in its effects, I'll miss it less.  What are your thoughts?


Kava Lover
Stone. And after you get some stone, I recommend getting yourself some more stone. Also, maybe check and see if Adil has any Fijian left. This batch of stone is really strong, you can see the yellow, kavalactone rich resin collecting on the sides of the bowl when you squeeze and knead. A word of warning though, this batch can give me some nausea so I would keep the liquid under 4 cups because it's a lot to drink. But stone in my opinion is the most similar to alcohol.


Kava Enthusiast
Good for you. I didn't even realize how dependent I was on alcohol until I started drinking kava. I was drinking too much, and it had turned into a negative routine. I think addiction happens more gradually than people realize as well, so there was some level of body-craving that I wasn't even aware of until I noticed it *not* being there anymore. Kava doesn't come with that flaw.

I was about to post a similar thread posing the question "Would you recommend kava to an alcoholic?" I would, and I have. I never got to the "alcoholic" point myself, but my buddy sure did. I haven't talked to him in a while, but last I talked to him he was staying dry and loving Fu'u.

I would definitely mix kava for the most comparable effects, or find a balanced kava in terms of head/body effects. Maybe something like a Fijian/Borogoru mix for a daily "unwind" brew... or Fu'u/Stone mix for more of a "hey it's Friday, time to simulate killing brain cells" kind of thing.


Kava Enthusiast
Wow, that's a pretty persuasive testimonial! I'll wait a bit and see if anyone else chimes in before ordering, but I might already be sold ;)


Kava Enthusiast
I know what you mean Ed. For me alcohol has always been a crutch for things, but instead of aiding me its holding me back, and I'm tired of just letting time slip away from having my head in a bottle.
I think mixing is a good idea but my budget is tight right now, so I can probably only get a 1/4 kilo at this point in time.


Kava Lover
metacog said:
I know what you mean Ed. For me alcohol has always been a crutch for things, but instead of aiding me its holding me back, and I'm tired of just letting time slip away from having my head in a bottle.
I think mixing is a good idea but my budget is tight right now, so I can probably only get a 1/4 kilo at this point in time.
if you can stretch your budget just a wee bit I would definitely recent getting at least a pound that way you won't run out as soon and have those couple of days where the kava is gone and the bottle is looking mighty nice. But if you can't then just get what you can my friend and get more when you can :)


Kava Enthusiast
If you can just grab one, Stone is always a good option. It's a reasonably well-balanced kava in my opinion.

Bula Kava House

Portland, OR
Kava Vendor
Kava Bar Owner
Yo! Our Boroguru at store.bulakavahouse.com is super potent, has the physical feel of alcohol (as much as kava can), is very reasonably priced, and we'll ship up to a kilo (2.2 lbs.) within the US for $6.


Kava Enthusiast
Boroguru is definitely on my list of impending purchases! I had such a great experience with you guys when I bought my bag of Fu'u. Awesome quality, reasonably priced as you said, and lightning shipping! However I've only had two bags of kava EVER, so I wanna see what else is out there first ;)


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
Yes, it's doable. It depends more on you than the kava though. I've encountered people that Alcohol is "too good" for them or "better" and kava just doesn't get them shitfaced enough. Pick a strong kava and stick at it and it's very doable.


Kava Enthusiast
I know its going to be a tough road but I'm ready for it. My biggest excuse for drinking is to be more sociable and to relieve anxiety, so if I can get that aspect taken care of with kava I'll have a lot less of an urge.


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
That part was easy for me. YMMV though. Honestly I don't know how I drank some of the crap I did.  Potter's 151, neat, room temperature... (smiley: sick) Imperial Stouts, Double IPA...(smiley: sick)(smiley: sick)
You may find that everyone else around you that is still drinking alcohol aren't as sociable as you might think, it just seems that way when you're getting tipsy with them.


Kava Enthusiast
As a recovering alcoholic who tried to quit countless times with no success, I can attest to kava's usefulness in this regard.  While my alcoholic drinking phase was fairly short (3-4 years), it made my life completely unmanageable.  Ed is correct in saying that it sneaks up on you.  What started as a couple of beers after work to blow off steam, ended up as at least a half liter of liquor every night and more on the weekends.

Every time I tried to quit drinking, my anxiety really flared up.  The withdrawal from alcohol would leave me anxious, depressed, unable to eat, unable to sleep, and generally feeling miserable.  A few drinks would have me feeling tip-top, so I always went back.  I have come to understand that my alcoholism was actually a symptom of my anxiety - I was self-medicating with alcohol, but the problems my drinking created ultimately caused more anxiety.  A vicious cycle indeed.

Enter kava.  I have now put together about 90 days totally free from booze.  This is the longest period of time I have gone without getting drunk in probably 10 years.  I no longer obsess or think about alcohol.  I don't even drink kava on a daily basis, tonight being an example.  When I was addicted to alcohol, running out or not being able to drink before bed was not an option if I wanted to get any sleep.  I will fall asleep easily tonight and I won't wake up with a hangover and feel like shit tomorrow.

When I do drink kava (4-5 nights per week) I typically drink about 4 Tbls root to 2 cups water and I'm good to go.  I've found Stone and Boroguru to be the best varieties for me so far.  The thing to keep in mind is that getting "shit-faced" should not be the goal.  But I also think this is the beauty of kava - your body will tell you to stop before things get out of hand.  I don't really see kava as being a "party" drink/drug at all.  For me, it's medicine!

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
KavaKrunked said:
For me, it's medicine!
Amen, I feel the same way. Recovering addict here too. 8 years in October. My anxiety and depression I suffered from for so long were virtually wiped clean by kava. It's my medicine and I share that fact with any person who's curious enough to ask me why I'm kneading a sock full of mud. The most beautiful thing about kava to me is that you can go 6 months drinking it daily and miss a day and there are no symptoms of cessation like with pretty much any pharmaceutical medicine. It's a godsend that's for sure.

August West

Kava Enthusiast
Same here. Oct 3rd, 2007. I'd drink until my family and boss would give me an ultimatum, then i'd switch to benzos for the withdrawal and ensuing anxiety. Then the opiates. Then i'd run out of money and options so i'd drink for the withdrawal symptoms, also because alcohol is a lot more socially acceptable than sticking stuff up your nose and in your arm. Repeat process from the beginning, for ten years or so. Kava is truely therapeutic. At first the missus was extremely concerned with its possible addictive properties, due to me going to extremes with any substance I take. I now know that the root is no more addictive than caffeine, but it seems kava almost seems to protect me from over-usage by the side effects of nausea and dermopathy. It also seems to calm the anxiety and isms that caused me to search for relief with alcohol.

Side note: "Pacific Health Dialogue" in Sept. 2001 stated that the active ingredients in kava can bind to site in the brain associated with cravings and addiction. Rather than become addictive, kava may actually reduce cravings associated with addiction to alcohol or other drugs. Researchers speculated that if these attributes are proven, kava may serve as a useful treatment component for addictions, particular in Pacific and Native Hawaiian populations, who have ready access to the plant...
Personally, I feel kava doesn't just replace or fill some sort of void in my brain where alcohol and drugs used to be, but the kava actually seems to treat the disease at a therapeutic/medicinal level..


Kava Enthusiast
Thanks kapmcrunk and tombo for chiming in. Now I don't feel like the only alcoholic/addict here. Perhaps a sub-forum for those in recovery is in order?  Just an idea, but it could bring more of the right kind of membership to this forum.

Question though. Do either of you attend AA/NA? This is a component of my treatment program right now and I am having a tough time with the "zero use of any mind-altering substances" requirement when it comes to kava. I'm fine with the rest of the 12 steps, higher power, etc...

There is no way I would be able to explain to a sponsor or the group that kava use is not a relapse and that it in fact has been the primary reason for me NOT relapsing on alcohol in the first place. I'll probably just have to keep it under wraps, for now.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
KavaKrunked said:
Thanks kapmcrunk and tombo for chiming in. Now I don't feel like the only alcoholic/addict here. Perhaps a sub-forum for those in recovery is in order?  Just an idea, but it could bring more of the right kind of membership to this forum.

Question though. Do either of you attend AA/NA? This is a component of my treatment program right now and I am having a tough time with the "zero use of any mind-altering substances" requirement when it comes to kava. I'm fine with the rest of the 12 steps, higher power, etc...

There is no way I would be able to explain to a sponsor or the group that kava use is not a relapse and that it in fact has been the primary reason for me NOT relapsing on alcohol in the first place. I'll probably just have to keep it under wraps, for now.
I'm totally active in NA and have been for 7 years 4 months and 22 days. Honestly I've been consuming kava of some type the entire duration of it. I've explained to sponsors and friends alike what Kava is and that it helps me sleep, as is a natural anxiety reliever. Not a single person has ever questioned it. You're gonna find people who are staunch purists in the thought that any...and I do mean ANYthing consumed that could be construed as a substance is completely taboo. I've seen it go as far as cigarettes and caffeine (even people's ssris!!!)
What it really comes down to is what works for you. If kava helps you like it's helped me then all power to you. I've debated and fought with myself over this issue for some time. I've come to the conclusion that, just as some people take pharmaceutical anti-depressants for their medicine, I drink kava as mine. I am an NA die-hard but remember when it boils down, all NA or AA are is a collection of words meant to lead you in the right direction. When we start nit-picking is when we start excluding ourselves or others. You're a member when you say you are, and not one single person can take that away from you. Sure I may have to deal with someone about the issue of me drinking kava, but remember that we are responsible for our own recovery. Those who are so interested in the way you are living your life are definitely hiding something in their own.
Also I have yet to see anyone sitting behind a gas station, homeless, squeezing out a bag of 3rd wash kava for that last kick.
A fact of NA and kava are that I'll be 28 years old in April, and I haven't taken a single drink of alcohol even being over 21 (actually since I was like 19). I feel like I've missed NOTHING.

August West

Kava Enthusiast
AA here. Look man, plenty of people take certain medication as prescribed, with.the help of their family, self honesty, sponsor, and their trusted advisors in the program. But they dont share with everyone they meet in the program! I know people who are truely in chronic.pain, or they truely have a.chemical imbalance and need medicine. Nowhere in that book does it say you cant take medicine, and the people who say otherwise, are doing the program a disservice. Ultimately, people who walk into the doors of a 12 step program came to a point where they could not manage their own lives. Unmanageability. Theyy lost the power of choice. Caffeine is easily abused. Cigarettes are easily abused. Tons of people in the program smoke cigarettes and drink coffee. But Coffee and cigarettes don't cause unmanageability. We were powerless over coffee and cigarettes, and could not manage our own lives. Sounds funny, huh. I told my sponsor about the kava, and my most trusted advisor in the program, plus another girl that I met early on. All three of them, I live within several stopsigns of me, and I see one to two times a week. They know me well. They know when i'm not doing well. Ultimately kava doesn't cause unmanageability in my life, and i'm not powerless over it.

And I usually never talk about aa to people until.they know me well enough to know that I don't judge them about catching buzzes and such. I hate being treated as a wet blanket! So everyone here, I love my coffee, I sort of love my cigarettes, and I love my kava, and I had plenty of good times back in the day. I just choose not to partake anymore and I don't judge.