Dmt caused me to question my reality, my identity, my everything. I wouldn't call the experience a hallucination, for I truely felt I was taken somewhere else, not like the common distortion of reality one gets from psychedelics. I felt feelings and had senses that i'd never experienced before. Like having no physical body, but knowing i was made from the fabric of the universe, and I was part of the equation. Also being aware of absolutely everything going on was connected. Exploding through the universe at incredible speeds. I was depressed and confused for months after the experience, due to the fact I was now questioning everything that I felt I already understood. I don't wanna sound like a hippie or anything, but the experience changed me in so many ways, and it was amazing. But i'll never do it again. I feel we as a human race are just beginning to scratch the surface of comprehension. Every couple years,:we make huge leaps in technology, science, and life expectancy. We now accept certain beliefs as being plausible, that we would have scoffed at ten years ago. We now have implanted devices into mice, so they can accomplish tasks through seeing ultraviolet light, which makes up a decent chunk of th light spectrum, that we humans are unable to see. It'll onlyy be a matter of TIME, before we humans will literally be able to see colors we weren't able to before. I believe time is a simple point of reference, that helps us get to work on time, not burn our dinners in the oven etc. It's also a number that can be put into mathematical equations to figure stuff out. My brain hurts.