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A question about making tincture out of makas.

Hello everyone, I hope you are all doing well, first of all I would like to thank you for taking the time to read this. I'll keep this short and quick as I know everyone has a lot of important things to do in life and the last thing I want to do is take time away. I have about 15 or more lbs of frozen makas in my freezer. It is starting to turn into a problem because we are running out of space. The other day I had an idea and I wanted to know if I could bring it to fruition. Would it be possible just to soak the makas in alcohol for a couple of months and agitate it daily. Then strain it, throw away the makas and then have a kavalactone/alcohol solution left to work with? I am no stranger in making botanical extracts, so I did plan to evaporate some of it and turn it into a dry extract through low heat in the oven. The other half I was thinking of just using as a tincture. One question that I do really need help with is, where would I purchase a proper vessel and what sort of vessel would work? I was thinking perhaps a 5 gallon glass container of some sort. Or would I need an even bigger one? Also, would 4 gallons of ethanol be enough, or would I need more than that? Thank you so much and I appreciate you taking time out of your day to help me. Much love and Bula!