First dose:
New to kava, started taking the NOW 30% kavalactones pills(250mg), 8 pills/day Thurs and Fri, worked somewhat ok and had no issues.
Saturday, received my 11 year Waka micronized from Bula Kava house. First dose before work (approximately 2hrs 30 min after eating) I mixed .5 tablespoons Waka with 1.5cups wholemilk+1.5cups sleepy time extra + 1.5 tablespoons cocoa powder and 1.5 packets of stevia leaf powder, I then drank about half of that mixture. It gave me a good buzz, felt relaxed and somewhat euphoric. No abdominal pain.
Second dose:
2hrs later I decided to mix an extra .5 tbs Waka in with the remaining mixture. After drinking the remainder of it, I was on cloud-9 for about 30min, super relaxed, euphoric, happy, was kinda laughing at nothing, strong dissociative effects, very similar to alcohol but I could still focus properly enough to do my job. No abdominal pain at all.
3rd dose:
One hour later I ate lunch and the effects dissipated. 3hrs 20min after that, I took another bottle of the exact same mixture but with 1tbs Waka. Soon after ingesting I experienced a stronger drunk-like feeling, narrowed perception, dissociated yet focused, and happy.
30 min in I felt a pain in both my upper left abdomen, near the top abdominal, and my right abdominal, it felt about a 2.5-3 on the pain scale. The pain appeared to come and go ever 5 seconds, sometimes in 3-5 min periods of sustained pain. Felt like I had to shit. It persisted for about 1hr 30 min and stopped after I rubbed my stomach for awhile towards the end of my shift.
Sleep was pretty normal, after eating breakfast I felt groggy somewhat like a hangover. No evidence of Jaundice I think, skin and eyes look normal, pee is clear, though my stool looks a bit oranger and brighter than usual, the cocoa powder?
Could this be as simple as my stomach not being used to the kava powder, especially since it was mixed with 3 other substances: cocoa, whole milk,and sleepytime extra? Or is the problem more complex, was it my liver experiencing the pain or my stomach, or something else entirely?
Today I'm going to test the same mixture but without any Kava to see if the pain reoccurs. I'll post back here on my findings later.
First dose:
New to kava, started taking the NOW 30% kavalactones pills(250mg), 8 pills/day Thurs and Fri, worked somewhat ok and had no issues.
Saturday, received my 11 year Waka micronized from Bula Kava house. First dose before work (approximately 2hrs 30 min after eating) I mixed .5 tablespoons Waka with 1.5cups wholemilk+1.5cups sleepy time extra + 1.5 tablespoons cocoa powder and 1.5 packets of stevia leaf powder, I then drank about half of that mixture. It gave me a good buzz, felt relaxed and somewhat euphoric. No abdominal pain.
Second dose:
2hrs later I decided to mix an extra .5 tbs Waka in with the remaining mixture. After drinking the remainder of it, I was on cloud-9 for about 30min, super relaxed, euphoric, happy, was kinda laughing at nothing, strong dissociative effects, very similar to alcohol but I could still focus properly enough to do my job. No abdominal pain at all.
3rd dose:
One hour later I ate lunch and the effects dissipated. 3hrs 20min after that, I took another bottle of the exact same mixture but with 1tbs Waka. Soon after ingesting I experienced a stronger drunk-like feeling, narrowed perception, dissociated yet focused, and happy.
30 min in I felt a pain in both my upper left abdomen, near the top abdominal, and my right abdominal, it felt about a 2.5-3 on the pain scale. The pain appeared to come and go ever 5 seconds, sometimes in 3-5 min periods of sustained pain. Felt like I had to shit. It persisted for about 1hr 30 min and stopped after I rubbed my stomach for awhile towards the end of my shift.
Sleep was pretty normal, after eating breakfast I felt groggy somewhat like a hangover. No evidence of Jaundice I think, skin and eyes look normal, pee is clear, though my stool looks a bit oranger and brighter than usual, the cocoa powder?
Could this be as simple as my stomach not being used to the kava powder, especially since it was mixed with 3 other substances: cocoa, whole milk,and sleepytime extra? Or is the problem more complex, was it my liver experiencing the pain or my stomach, or something else entirely?
Today I'm going to test the same mixture but without any Kava to see if the pain reoccurs. I'll post back here on my findings later.
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