This week I took a chance on an Amazon kava that I'd typically reject simply based off the information I can gather from their lame non-kava related name and
free clip-art style of low effort packaging graphics. I looked up the company and it turns out to be a Florida Kr@tom/Kava place, which we know is common there and the kava was sold as ceremonial grade Vanuatu kava...which made me think they probably just buy
Kava Depot's Vanuatu "Ceremonial grade" powder and I'll gladly drink that. Anyway, I'm glad to say that even though it looked like a shitty kava to buy, it was good smelling, good lookin' authentic kava. It's ground up a bit rougher than the fine modern grinds that are around now, it reminds me of stuff I used to get in the old days. For being a quickie 1-day delivery Amazon kava the effects were pretty good, could be stronger of course, but I've definitely had less effective kavas from Amazon, even from vendors with more reputable names. I might even buy this one again if I'm ever in a pinch.