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Amount you can drink in an evening?


Kava Curious
Hi all.  I was wondering how much all of you can drink over the course of an evening.  At this point, which is only a couple of months since my introduction to kava, I have a fairly short window in which I can get it down without the gag reflex kicking in.  Basically, when I start feeling the relaxation kicking in, my time becomes very limited.  So if I take too long drinking what I've brewed, I cannot get through it.  I have 4 oz worth left over from a 2cup batch right now that I don't think I'll be able to get down.  Have any of you experienced this?  If so, how have you gotten past it?  I really don't mind the taste very much, so I'm not sure what the problem is.


That's what we call "Kava Anxiety" or your body telling you you've had enough.

Usually kicks in after 3 - 5 shells for me, and if I try to drink anymore I just gag and get nauseous. So once it kicks in I usually call it quits.

In the beginning, I got kava anxiety after just one shell. Got quite frustrating. I used to drink my kava about 30 minutes after drinking some ginger tea. Really helped soothe my stomach and increased my kava drinking ability. I stopped doing this though after the combo started giving me paradoxical nausea and stomach aches.

However, I find that the kava anxiety effects me more with certain strains and chemotype lineup. So maybe the kava you're drinking isn't for you? Try experimenting from all sorts of different kavas, you might find one that fits you perfectly ;)


Kava Enthusiast
steve, I highly recommend putting ice cubes in your shell. Once it's chilled, remove the ice, and slam it down. Have on hand water to rinse your mouth and then pop in a hard candy, peppermint works best.

And also make sure you strain out all the root fiber....this kills my stomach.

With this method I can drink 3-4 cups of stone (made from 1 cup root).