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I Love Kava Friday And there it is.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
We made it! It's Friday kava lovers. Stay safe out there this weekend! They're already lowering the levels of the lakes around here because of the suspected rain amounts over the next few days so anyone in the path of Delta, good luck!


The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
Need to share this picture I just saw:
Giant Kava Plant Presented to the Queen's Representative Prince Charles by the Paramount Chiefs of Fiji as Fiji is Granted Independence from Britain [10th October, 1970]
I saw that one on reddit this morning too. I meant to ask and forgot, but it seems the roots are super tiny for that size of a plant. I'm no botanist, so I'm gonna have to let someone else chime in here on that one. They could have folded under and aren't able to be seen.


Kava Enthusiast
I am getting my last taste of summer today! It will be 85 degrees, which is weird because it has been in the 60's and is going back to the 60's tomorrow. Anyways I'll be drinking kava outside playing ping pong!


Position 5 Hard Support
I should get some kava in tonight, maybe with an Aluball at least. I've been too lazy for that lately.


Kava Enthusiast
I saw that one on reddit this morning too. I meant to ask and forgot, but it seems the roots are super tiny for that size of a plant. I'm no botanist, so I'm gonna have to let someone else chime in here on that one. They could have folded under and aren't able to be seen.
That is true, I did not notice it myself until you said it.


Kava Enthusiast
Got a bag of Vanuatu from Real Kava delivered this week. Took five weeks for it to arrive from Hawaii. But I am fully satisfied with this purchase! The smell and taste is really strong, so it's not as easy to drink as other Kavas. Made a blend of 10g Stone, 10g Black sand and 10g Vanuatu this evening, kneaded it with some oatmilk and hot water using a great nylon strainer I got from Edward.

I'm looking forward to receive the bag of Kelai I ordered from Kava society a while ago. It took only two weeks to arrive via post to Sweden, a lot faster than my US orders. But then it has not moved for 23 days now. The postal service here have had a hard time keeping up with all the packages from outside Europe now when more shipments are coming in again from abroad. My packages from outside of Europe have spent the same time with the local postal service as they spent getting here from the US. Hopefully there is no trouble with customs, but I doubt it because other Kava orders that have been opened have passed the check. Both Kava bags marked with a lot of information like N@H and unmarked see through bags.

Hope everyone have a nice weekend, bula!



Kava Enthusiast
I saw that one on reddit this morning too. I meant to ask and forgot, but it seems the roots are super tiny for that size of a plant. I'm no botanist, so I'm gonna have to let someone else chime in here on that one. They could have folded under and aren't able to be seen.

Yes, it looks to me like a hundred twenty men looking at a lot of leafless stalk and a few spicy lateral roots wondering intently if they will all behold a shell of the fine root. I'm sure they all did, too, it looks to me like 2 or 3 pounds of fresh root, which would leave the following amount of kava per person:
1lb: 3.78g Kava/shell
2lbs: 7.56g Kava/shell
1 kilo: 8.3g Kava/shell
3lbs: 11.35g Kava/shell
2 kilo: 16.6g Kava/shell

If the amount of water used was 12 liters and the amount of kava used was 1 kilogram, each individual would have a 167ml shell of the fine root.

In other words, I think judging by the photo that this kava plant's roots could easily harvest a hundred fifty shellls without tapping into the stalks. Excellent ceremony.