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Anxiety about body/health

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Kava Lover
Does anyone else feel extreme anxiety when they feel there is something off about their body? right now and reoccuringly Ive been feeling very anxious because I will get this feeling of fullness in my lungs near the top. And shortly after I get anxious because I feel like I cant get enough oxygen and it predictably becomes a vicious cycle. I know this is common with anxiety attacks, but for me the strange part is it starts in my body before I feel any anxiety. If my throat is dried out I become aware of this feeling too. Then the anxiety forms because I have this issue with such a vulnerable area in my body, and I get more and more worried. I often am over conscious of the quality of the air I breath. If I am walking around a busy road smelling lots of exhaust this feeling starts. but it often starts unexpectedly when I'm trying to sleep etc. The only place i can convince myself I'm ok is out in nature. I felt so wonderful in a high-humidity greenhouse the other day. I felt so healthy. I thought I'd reach out because I've been having a rough month and I know a lot of us here have bad anxiety and it seems no one has been chatting about it lately.

Another thought just now: anxiety causes dry mouth etc, so is it possible that the opposite is also true for people who have daily anxiety? this dry thick mucousy feeling makes it feel hard to swallow etc.


Kava Enthusiast
I need alot of alone time everyday, sensory stimulation gets to me. Like you said, nature is a safe haven. I was thinking down the line I would get into gardening so I can really root myself in the earth.

I find transdermal magnesium is great for anxiety, when I'm low on magnesium then I feel like I'm constantly on edge. Look up 'Dr.Sircus transdermal magnesium' on youtube. I use the Ancient minerals brand.


Kava aficionado
Does anyone else feel extreme anxiety when they feel there is something off about their body? right now and reoccurring Ive been feeling very anxious because I will get this feeling of fullness in my lungs near the top. And shortly after I get anxious because I feel like I cant get enough oxygen and it predictably becomes a vicious cycle. I know this is common with anxiety attacks, but for me the strange part is it starts in my body before I feel any anxiety. If my throat is dried out I become aware of this feeling too. Then the anxiety forms because I have this issue with such a vulnerable area in my body, and I get more and more worried. I often am over conscious of the quality of the air I breath. If I am walking around a busy road smelling lots of exhaust this feeling starts. but it often starts unexpectedly when I'm trying to sleep etc. The only place i can convince myself I'm ok is out in nature. I felt so wonderful in a high-humidity greenhouse the other day. I felt so healthy. I thought I'd reach out because I've been having a rough month and I know a lot of us here have bad anxiety and it seems no one has been chatting about it lately.

Another thought just now: anxiety causes dry mouth etc, so is it possible that the opposite is also true for people who have daily anxiety? this dry thick mucousy feeling makes it feel hard to swallow etc.
For me these symptoms or symptoms like it, were a sign of a panic attack to come. Anxiety, whether GAD or more specific phobias are very tricky to address because we as suffers need to first realize where the irrational behavior comes from (or where it started) and this is sometimes hard.

As for some of the concerns you mentioned, I resolved the clean air with a hepa uv air filtration unit, specially helpful if you have animals. Extra helpful if you like me have anxiety issues. I sleep noticeably better at night.

When I or we go into fight or flight mode, our breathing gets shallow and quick and it's done in most cases unconsciously. I think this part of the reason for the dry mouth. As a whole the list of symptoms that define a panic/anxiety attack for us, can vary slightly from person to person and I think knowing our triggers is half the battle. Of course this all based on my very intimate experience in this department and only my opinion.


Kava Curious
Hey Mr. Piper know the feeling all too well. Hopefully something I say helps. I've noticed kava makes my sense of smell go crazy, I start smelling the dust in the house and many years ago collecting carts if I drank kava before work the trucks in the lot would bother me a lot. I would feel sick from it. Let alone when some douche would roll coal...When u get around exhaust remind yourself of this and that it takes constant daily exposure to do anything. Were surrounded by pollutants. No way to escape it. Just a healthy amt of avoidance. Be careful with being too proactive. The rabit hole is deep with this. The stress is most likely worse for you than the bad air.

Descartes was smart but did a huge disservice to mankind by espousing that the mind and body are separate. Check out books by a Dr. Sarno he goes into this in depth. I get a feeling sometimes that heart and lung are not in sync, a pressure and sensation when I inhale used to concern me a lot until I found it was a type of palpitation. Exercise helps a lot. If I haven't done aerobic in awhile I feel all kinds of pressures and blockages. Our fear and rage manifests itself in our breath. So it works wonders to workout and breathe right it gets it flowing better. Good luck man, hope you find an answer.


Kava Curious
Oh yeh and the frog in throat, thick mucous etc you can get that from anxiety and,or allergies . I'd avoid oj and milk. Flonase works pretty good when you need a break. Brilliant friend of mine, skeptic, level headed,no bs. He read some stuff about wheat he thought he'd try wheat free diet. He swears by it. He no longer gets hay fever. I can't live without bread I'll walk around looking like I been crying.
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