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Any difference in quality?

I am completely new at kava and only ordered and tried one type thus far. It was Tongan kava from nakama@home. Was very mild i suppose and am looking for a stronger type.Though I just placed another order with them for some Stone, I was wondering the if there is any difference in quality and strength between their Vanuatu blends and Kava By Rex's Vanuatu Isa/Tudei. Of course Rex's is more bang for the buck and I guess is the reason why i'm asking...



Kava Curious
good question... which is better, N@H Wow! or Kava By Rex's Isa?

I'm really not one to say, since I haven't tried either, but... even though they are similar, the WOW! is the best bet.

the reason why I'm posting is that I want to warn you away from those kavas as a new-ish drinker. for me, good taste was a very important factor during my introduction to kava and those Nakamal@Home kavas and Tudei/Isa aren't known for their user friendly taste ;p I'd go with some fiji waka or vanuatu3 (might as well, since its back in stock now) at Kava By Rex. or some Mo'i from Hawaiian Kava Center (now this is some good tasting kava!)
I appreciate the look out. Although new, I'm guessing my tolerance to kava is high. I just completed my second session with Tonga. I made a quart using 8tbsp (2 tbsp per cup) with lecithin, and drank all of it within 90 min, for a total of 8 shells and felt just OK. Thus the reason for something stronger.


Kava Enthusiast
N@H Wow kava is the best dried root kava if you want a heavy session. It is very very strong. I compare it to KBR's vanautu3 limited edition, but thats never in stock so yeah. KBR's tudei is not that strong or wasent with me. Its still good, but not in the same way. Thats how most kavas are. A very good kava is N@H Stone. Its just a little less potent than wow and it was my favorite. Bula.
So I guess Tonga isn't for me. Should be getting Stone in the mail today. Will report back with an update on that.
Thanks guys


Kava Curious
Just got a batch of Melo Melo and Borogo from Bula Kava House. Excellent price ($15 less) and the Meleo Melo is every bit as good as Stone.


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
Looks like it.

They got some interesting kava and the price is right.


Kava Curious
I will list a few of my favourite strains of kava and what is considered the most euphoric and potent.
Chiefs jungle kava (Papua New Guinea)
WOW! kava (Vanuatu) Expensive
Hiwa (Hawaiian)
Tuday aka isa kava (Hawaiian)
Mahakea kava (Hawaiian)
I've tried several different kava pastes but never felt much effect from them. The best one would numb up my mouth nicely and very subtly relax me (so subtle it could have been mostly placebo), but none of the pastes could compare to using root powder. I had better luck with the kava roots effects-wise, but found them to be a pain to consume and prefers root powder for sublingual ingestion as the onset is quicker, and you just need to swish the paste around in your mouth (perhaps with a tiny bit of liquid) until it becomes moist and then let it sit, whereas with the root pieces you need to gnaw on them considerably more.
The popular Vanuatu have chemotypes, for examples --246531 & 426135-- and have dihydrokavain, kavain & methysticin as the first three lactones.
Chemotypes 1) demethoxy-yangonin (DMY); 2) dihydrokavain (DHK); 3) yangonin (Y); 4) kavain (K); 5) dihydromethysticin (DHM); & 6) methysticin (M). First three kavalactones in chemotype code for the chemotype represent 70+% of total kavalactone content.
The DHK & DHM, in unusual, less-popular strains -- seem to be the chemicals that make for “two-day” (tudei) effects – & for nausea. Kavain (hi-% desirable) is most quickly absorbed & its relaxant/anti-depressant effect goes most quickly to mind/body; numbing. Others: Methysticin is noted as “Slow; Sleepiness, muscle relaxant”. DMY & Y seem to be somewhat of a mystery. Also, sum is greater than the parts of the whole.
Solomon’s Island variety is a Creeper variety; quite (most) possibly whicamanii variant, because it was in the growing range of that wild variety, with chemotype possibly closer to NAH’s Chief’s Jungle (“Vanuata High Chief Mix’s” [similar] chemotype is 426135). Good educated hypothesis to keep in mind. Chief’s Jungle prob. has more DHK/DHM (“2” or “5” in chemotype) because there is that tudei/ nausea effect. Solomon’s has something that either minimizes that or has a different predominant kavalactone combo.
~The Awa (Hawaiian for Kava: or "Kava" being Vanuatan for Awa) history and cultivars fascinates me. Categorizes different kinds of Hawaiian Awa.
They also list 18 varieties with various chemotypes. I found the key for the Various Kavalactones:
~~~~~~~1 Demethoxy-yangonin (DMY)
~~~~~~~2 Dihydrokavain (DHK)
~~~~~~~3 Yangonin
~~~~~~~4 Kavain
~~~~~~~5 Dihydromethysticin (DHM)
~~~~~~~6 Methysticin
~~So, the chemotype code is as such--  a "463251" plant, would have the highest #4 (Kavain; considered the most euphoriant kavalactone) and the lowest #1 (Demethoxy-yangonin (DMY)). Here are some others:
~~~~~~~463251: Papa Kea, Honokane'iki, Mo'i, Papa ele'ele, Papa ele'ele Pu'upu'u, Rahmedal, Rahmwager, Samoan
~~~~~~~462351: Hiwa, *Kuma Kua (Puna Green), Mapulehu, Nene
~~~~~~~246531: Isa
~~~~~~~461235: Mahakea
~~~~~~~423651: Hanakapi'ai
~~~~~~~463215: Panaewa, Opihikao
The lore of these types and traditional usages is as useful information as the chemotype and of course, personal experience is probably the most important!

Get Krunked! :)
