As you might know, Australia has a ban on kava. Check out the black market kava prices, it's ridicules.
38.33kg of kava = $38,330, that's $1000AUS a kilo, or $1,044USD a kilo.
1kg of Stone Kava from N@H is $89.00 (free shipping)
WTF?!?!? (unless my math is off, in which case I will promptly delete this post)
Then, in the book "Getting Stoned with Savages", I only read online excerpts, describes crazy potent Vanuatu kava.
I can't remember where I read this, but a native Vanuatu described hearing his ancestor's voices..or something like that.
Can someone shed some light on this?
38.33kg of kava = $38,330, that's $1000AUS a kilo, or $1,044USD a kilo.
1kg of Stone Kava from N@H is $89.00 (free shipping)
WTF?!?!? (unless my math is off, in which case I will promptly delete this post)
Then, in the book "Getting Stoned with Savages", I only read online excerpts, describes crazy potent Vanuatu kava.
I can't remember where I read this, but a native Vanuatu described hearing his ancestor's voices..or something like that.
Can someone shed some light on this?