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Are we getting Grade A Kava?


Kava Enthusiast
As you might know, Australia has a ban on kava.  Check out the black market kava prices,  it's ridicules.


38.33kg of kava = $38,330, that's $1000AUS a kilo, or $1,044USD a kilo.
1kg of Stone Kava from N@H is $89.00 (free shipping)

WTF?!?!? (unless my math is off, in which case I will promptly delete this post)

Then, in the book "Getting Stoned with Savages",  I only read online excerpts,  describes crazy potent Vanuatu kava. 

I can't remember where I read this, but a native Vanuatu described hearing his ancestor's voices..or something like that.

Can someone shed some light on this?


Kava Enthusiast
Ive herd that vanautu and places like it cant export super potent kava, they like to keep it in the place of origin. On the other note, I would never pay 1000 dollars for a kilo of kava.. thats just insane. I think the kava we receive depending on the vendor ofcourse is the best we can get shipped over. Im sure the kava in Vanuatu is way stronger.
I also want to note that it is very sad that Australia is like that with kava. Whoever thinks that he couldeve gotta 33,000 bucks is just crazy and stupid. Would someone really spend that much money on it? Wtf?

Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu
Since my wife is on their money, one would think the Australians would take more kindly to my divine brother's sacred beverage.