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Australian kava shop Instant kava


This is my 3rd day using Kava, and I tell you what this is the first time I've dipped Into Australia Kava shops instant mix and I feel absolutely amazing! This is a very heady feeling which almost makes my eyes close half way with an amazing sensation radiating throughout my whole body. The first 2 nights I tried kava I used my alluball and don't get me wrong It was good but I don't know why this instant is hitting me this good. Feels like I'm kinda on an illicit substance. (I used 15g in about 350ml of water)
Hope everyone is enjoying there Saturday night with a nice cup of Kava!


I had another shell and I was that out of it i couldn't move of the couch for a good hour and half. My head was so heavy and spinning and I was seeing double. I can't have this instant stuff, what on earth is going on???
I think I'll.stick to my alluball with 2 tbls of Borogu and 250ml, that seems to make me happy and relaxed but not so so smashed like.the instant. Wow