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'Awa drinkers in New York City?


Kava Enthusiast
Living in NY, do you ever make it to camp bisco? I know it's around Albany but it's pretty much the sweetest festy in the Northeast. I always thought gathering of the vibes was kinda custied out....


Ozia - KavaKava Candy
Kava Vendor
Welcome!  Seems like they need a nakamal right in the financial district (NYC)...if they don't have one already.  Seems like an intense place just walking around


Kava Enthusiast
We need Nakamals on this Island of Manhattan.... The best to happen so far is that there are these blokes in Astoria who are making a quite decent all organic 'Awa beverage called King Kava   http://kingkava.com  it's a very pleasant product and the Kava they use seems very nice, they told me they get it from a private farm in Hawaii, but it's not very strong. When I drink 3 I feel like I've had maybe two bilos of some very fine 'Awa.  But it's not gong to satisfy we relative hard heads over here.(smiley: smokin)(smiley: roll)


Kava Enthusiast
Wow, I'd seriously recommend looking into bisco. It's the Disco Bisquit's private festival held at Indian Lookout Country Club, which is a masive country club/festival venue owned and operated by the Hell's Angels. Bisco is about the most extremely partied out event on the east coast. Usually early july for 3 days and is pretty much like a 3 day camping rave.