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Best BKH Kava for socializing


Kava Enthusiast
So I've pretty much decided to take one of BKH's kavas on my trip since they have great packaging, are cost-effective, and get great reviews. However, I've never tried any except the Instant. Can anyone recommend a good social kava from their selection? Something not too sleepy since it's no fun passing out a party while everyone else is enjoying themselves! I prefer a more uplifting kava anyway - when I used to drink often it was mostly because alcohol gave me a dual energizing/relaxing effect. Maybe I'm weird like that. Also, if it's not too much to ask, which ones have a reasonable taste for kava newbies? I see myself sharing it with others and it would be nice if there was a social, palatable combo. Thanks!!


Kava Enthusiast
It seems the general consensus is Fu'u. I read a lot about it when I first joined.

I've only had Boroguru from there. I don't think you're looking for Boroguru it seems to be one of the "heavy" kavas. The green Instant might be able to compete with Fu'u; I've heard a lot of good about it.

I really haven't heard much about any of the other kava they're selling.


Is there death before life?
Fu'u would be your answer, mellow taste with a great uplifting harmonizing well being.

Very social, doesnt make you sleepy or anything, and can make you articulate yourself like none other, lol.

Great stuff, go for it


Kava Enthusiast
Interesting. I was thinking that the consensus would lean more towards the Borogu as it is labeled as a good "party kava." I'll have to look into the Fu'u now. I usually try to avoid spending more than $35 on kava in one go. Is the Fu'u really worth the extra expense?


Pretentious, Wannabe Philosopher
Yes, I have found the Fu'u to be more than worth the expense. Granted the effects are different for everyone, but the general consensus is very favorable.


KarmaG said:
Interesting. I was thinking that the consensus would lean more towards the Borogu as it is labeled as a good "party kava." I'll have to look into the Fu'u now. I usually try to avoid spending more than $35 on kava in one go. Is the Fu'u really worth the extra expense?
That's what I assumed as well but I've found the Fu'u tops Borogu definitely in terms of socializing. Borogu is very subtle in effects, I had to sit back with some music and just relax and listen to the kava to really understand what it had to offer. The Fu'u kind of hits you in the face from the get-go and lowers social inhibitions to a comforatable yet nowhere near worrying level. Yeah, from my own personal experience I'd definitely say Fu'u is worth the expense, but that's still kind of a dangerous question to ask about kava lol.

I actually bought a bag of Fu'u a while ago that is still unopened, it's one of three "reserve" kavas I have in s cabinet for pre-planned stressful situations. No joke, I advice everyone with social anxiety to do this lol. Which reminds me, I need to buy a tin of Van Instant Green to put in there.


Kava Enthusiast
Cool, thanks for the input everyone. So it looks like Fu'u is a go. Can anyone tell me if it's as energizing as KBR's Tongan Pride?

Bula Kava House

Portland, OR
Kava Vendor
Kava Bar Owner
Yes, Fu'u is great, but for the price, most people actually do feel that Borogu is strong and very effective at increasing socialization. Also, Melo Melo has always been my personal favorite, but was at the same time our mildest kava. It always gives me this nice "floaty" feeling. This newest batch though is way more potent, and with that same heady, floaty feeling. Kava tends to vary that way.

Paradise Kava

Honolulu, HI
Kava Vendor
Judd, isn't that amazing how kava varies from batch to batch? We have a similar experience from 100% Hawaiian grown kava.

Same region, same variety, same growing conditions, fertilizers etc. and batch to batch can vary so much!

I compare it to any agricultural industry which is not run by a conglomerate.


I love that about kava. This hobby never gets boring as the flavor and effects of the kava are always shifting! I'd imagine it's real interesting from a farmer's perspective, but just as a kava drinker, I love it!