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Best Kava for Anxiety?


Kava Curious
I have an Anxiety disorder and became dependent on some strong anti
anxiety meds (klonopin/xanax) I am recently lowering my dose on them and
trying to ween off of them for personal reasons.

I am looking
into Kava to help me alleviate some of the general anxiety and panic
attacks, can you recommend some good Kavas for this use?

I am
really interested in the Solomon Islands Kava after reading the review
on kavasseur. But I am looking for another one that would be better
suited for anxiety (possibly a day time one and a night time one for


Kojo Douglas

The Kavasseur
Vanuatu Kava Store's Malekula Magic, hands down. If you want variety, order that and some of Nakamal at Home's Tongan.