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Big kavas price comparison - October 2011


Kava Curious
Hi, I made this for the Kavalogue blog... (if you want to read it in French : http://kavalogue.wordpres...s-kavas-25-octobre-2011/ )
The column $/g shows the price in $ for one gram of this product, the column g the weight of product in the packet, in grams. The symbol µ means that the seller told the kava is micronized. About min/max : in a shop, if the price is not the same following the quantity, the lowest and higher price for a same product is shown. The first table is the less interesting, it's by product name :

The following table is the most important !
Cheapest to most expensive (price in $ for 1 gram). Kava by Rex is far the cheapest shop, Kona Kava has very interesting products, as well as the Mahakea of Kava Center. No surprise, instant kavas are very expensive ( 2 to 6 times more expensive than the average kava powder price), and the paper Strips are very expensive. If we don't include the instant kavas, kavas prices vary from 1 to 3 times following the kavas, the ordered quantity and the shops. 
Sorry, in the following tables, the first "Vendeur" column should have been called "Product".
Below, I removed the pure instant kavas, and the average price for a gram was calculated (0,095 $/g).
If we say that this average price is « 100% », we can easily compare the difference of price :MSame comparison for the instant kavas, the average price for a gram is 0,415 $/g.
If we say this price is « 100% » :To finish, the webshops classification !
The average price of their "normal" kavas was calculated (without the pure instant kavas or the "de luxe" products).
Kava By Rex is the BIG winner, followed by Kava Center & Nuka Hiwa ex-aequo, and in third Kona Kava.
But : all of this is from the prices only, I can't say nothing about the products quality that could maybe justify these prices differences !And the winnner is :


Kava Curious
If you say "100%" is the average price of the powder kavas, 
here are/should be the interesting kavas to buy now, we can see the % of price difference compared to the average price of all kavas :


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
I don't think anyone will mind if you exclude Kona Kava. They're just...meh *wouldn't touch'm with a 10 foot pole*

Bula Kava House

Portland, OR
Kava Vendor
Kava Bar Owner
Hey there. Nice comparisons, though you should add Bula Kava House. We specialize in selling only traditionally ground kava root for traditional preparation for now, although we may add an instant in the near future. I know we haven't been around long but our quality is top notch, which I think is proven by the fact that we serve the same kava that we sell online to hundreds of people in our kava bar every week. And our prices are super competitive.

BTW- I hope nobody minds that I come here frequently to promote my new business. It's a compliment really, it's clear that this is THE place to find the most knowledgeable kava drinkers out there. I know that our kava is just as good if not better than the kava of those who have been established for a longer time, and I'm happy to pass down the good prices I get from my suppliers to people who order from us. I like that you all can try our kava then come here to give knowledgeable impressions (so far reviews have all been good). I am more than happy to answer any questions or add my input to any topic not concerning Bula Kava House kava as well.




Kava Curious
JUDD : I didn't add Bula Kava House because you don't ship to Europe/Belgium... change this and I'll add you :) ...and will place an order to test your products...

VEKTA : Can somebody tell me why Kona Kava is so bad ??? Some writers on Kavalounge say this bad reputation is not true, and Kavasseur who tested Mahakea Kava from Kona writes that is a good product, even if it is not very strong...About Kona Kava, I recently wrote them some emails to ask questions or about 2 orders I made, and they always answered maximum 2 hours after !!! Their was a problem with my first order (weight more than 4 pounds maximum to Europe) and they refund me immediately my money by Paypal when cancelling this order (but they didn't contact me before doing that, it's the only deception I had with Kona for now).


Kava Curious
Finally, after some thinkings, I updated the price comparison, including Bula Kava, even if they don't ship to Europe (a shame, everybody else does it !!!)
Here is the French updated version : http://kavalogue.wordpres...s-kavas-25-octobre-2011/
And the quite good English translation of Google : http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=fr&sl=fr&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fkavalogue.wordpress.com%2F2011%2F10%2F26%2Fprix-des-kavas-25-octobre-2011
None4 pounds from US to Belgium = 13,95 $ : http://ircalc.usps.gov/MailServices.aspx?country=10033&m=13&p=0&o=1&mt=1320 pounds from US to Belgium = 45,50 $ : http://ircalc.usps.gov/MailServices.aspx?country=10033&m=13&p=0&o=1&mt=12:)

Bula Kava House

Portland, OR
Kava Vendor
Kava Bar Owner
Good news! Ask and you shall receive. store.bulakavahouse.com now ships internationally. We have so far added Canada, France, Belgium, and Germany. More to come in the following days. A note on shipping prices though, Kavalogue, a small flat rate USPS box ($13.95) only fits about 1/2 kilo or 1 lb, maybe a little more. Try as I might there's no way to get the 4 lbs. in there that you mentioned.The medium box ($45.50) holds maybe 2.5 or 3 kilos, 5-6.5 lbs. max. We don't profit from shipping but the aforementioned amounts are the most we can squeeze in. It is a happy day though because more of the world can enjoy the highest quality, best value kava out there.

Winner: Anybody who orders!(Wink02)


Kava Curious
Thank you for modifying your store, I ordered now.I added your shop to the links list of Kavalogue blog "where to buy kava".It's great to see a shop who listens to the customers/visitors so quickly and smartly. And that has a beautifull modern webshop, very low prices and products wich seem to be of high quality.Thank you for the informations about the max weight you can put in an international box. Maybe you should write it somewhere on your shop ?RCOZ : I wrote to Instant Kava Tea, asking to buy some products, but for now, their webshop don't ship outside US and only accept credit card, no Paypal, so I'm not going to add them now.

Paradise Kava

Honolulu, HI
Kava Vendor
Nice job Kavalogue!

Have you tried the solvent free extracts which paradisekava.com offers? It's cost per dose is fairly competitive for % of kavalactones delivered.

Hope you check it out, thanks.