Kava Curious
Hi, I made this for the Kavalogue blog... (if you want to read it in French : http://kavalogue.wordpres...s-kavas-25-octobre-2011/ )
The column $/g shows the price in $ for one gram of this product, the column g the weight of product in the packet, in grams. The symbol µ means that the seller told the kava is micronized. About min/max : in a shop, if the price is not the same following the quantity, the lowest and higher price for a same product is shown. The first table is the less interesting, it's by product name :
The following table is the most important !
Cheapest to most expensive (price in $ for 1 gram). Kava by Rex is far the cheapest shop, Kona Kava has very interesting products, as well as the Mahakea of Kava Center. No surprise, instant kavas are very expensive ( 2 to 6 times more expensive than the average kava powder price), and the paper Strips are very expensive. If we don't include the instant kavas, kavas prices vary from 1 to 3 times following the kavas, the ordered quantity and the shops.
Sorry, in the following tables, the first "Vendeur" column should have been called "Product".
Below, I removed the pure instant kavas, and the average price for a gram was calculated (0,095 $/g).
If we say that this average price is « 100% », we can easily compare the difference of price :MSame comparison for the instant kavas, the average price for a gram is 0,415 $/g.
If we say this price is « 100% » :To finish, the webshops classification !
The average price of their "normal" kavas was calculated (without the pure instant kavas or the "de luxe" products).
Kava By Rex is the BIG winner, followed by Kava Center & Nuka Hiwa ex-aequo, and in third Kona Kava.
But : all of this is from the prices only, I can't say nothing about the products quality that could maybe justify these prices differences !And the winnner is :
The column $/g shows the price in $ for one gram of this product, the column g the weight of product in the packet, in grams. The symbol µ means that the seller told the kava is micronized. About min/max : in a shop, if the price is not the same following the quantity, the lowest and higher price for a same product is shown. The first table is the less interesting, it's by product name :
The following table is the most important !
Cheapest to most expensive (price in $ for 1 gram). Kava by Rex is far the cheapest shop, Kona Kava has very interesting products, as well as the Mahakea of Kava Center. No surprise, instant kavas are very expensive ( 2 to 6 times more expensive than the average kava powder price), and the paper Strips are very expensive. If we don't include the instant kavas, kavas prices vary from 1 to 3 times following the kavas, the ordered quantity and the shops.
Sorry, in the following tables, the first "Vendeur" column should have been called "Product".
Below, I removed the pure instant kavas, and the average price for a gram was calculated (0,095 $/g).
If we say that this average price is « 100% », we can easily compare the difference of price :MSame comparison for the instant kavas, the average price for a gram is 0,415 $/g.
If we say this price is « 100% » :To finish, the webshops classification !
The average price of their "normal" kavas was calculated (without the pure instant kavas or the "de luxe" products).
Kava By Rex is the BIG winner, followed by Kava Center & Nuka Hiwa ex-aequo, and in third Kona Kava.
But : all of this is from the prices only, I can't say nothing about the products quality that could maybe justify these prices differences !And the winnner is :