~This is my kind of kava~ (smiley: happy)
Upon opening the (rather beautiful) resealable bag of kava, the familiar smell of Vanuatu kava smacked me across the face. For some reason, the last few months have been strictly Hawaiian for me. This was a well needed reunion.
I prepared the kava using 4 cups of water and 8 tbsp of kava (2 tbsp kava per cup of water is my usual ratio) and kneaded for about 15 minutes. I really should have kneaded for much longer but I was so anxious to try this stuff, and had a long day.
The flavor reminded me a lot of Wow! kava, as it smells very peppery but tricks you as you put the shell up to your mouth and realize how mild tasting it actually is. I usually have a hard time downing shells after the second or so, but had no problem downing every shell last night. Flavor wise, great combination of peppery, rooty, earthy, kava-y, and almost minty. Really great stuff, I will definitely make a few shells of this kava for newbies.
About five minutes after my first shell I was sitting down working on the last few pages of a report for my organic chem class, when that familiar 'lighter gravity' feeling started to creep up on me. This feeling continued for about 20 minutes, when I finished up my work and downed another shell. I started reading and became entranced in the story. This is when I realized that this kava was a great pick for me, because I have not found many kavas which relax both my body -and- my mind in equal proportions of euphoria, allowing me to slip into whatever mind state I wished, and envision any thought or story with ease. It was wonderful. I downed the last few shells and put my book up to just lay back and relax. (Which always feels nice, I hardly ever get the opportunity anymore.) Man, this stuff rocks. It wasn't a 'krunked' feeling, and it wasn't so mellow I had to focus on it to feel it. It was just perfect, like a massage on both my muscles and my 'life stressors'. It just felt equivalent to that feeling of sitting in a nice hot tub after a long day, just blissful and therapeutic. I am overly impressed. I did have a difficult time falling asleep, so this is more a kava for relaxing and de-stressing, it isn't quite 'sedating' in its nature. At least not yet, that may change as I drink it more.
Overall, this kava is just -awesome-. You read it often around here that we all have to find the kava that fits us, and man, this is definitely one of them for me.
Thanks Judd!
Upon opening the (rather beautiful) resealable bag of kava, the familiar smell of Vanuatu kava smacked me across the face. For some reason, the last few months have been strictly Hawaiian for me. This was a well needed reunion.
I prepared the kava using 4 cups of water and 8 tbsp of kava (2 tbsp kava per cup of water is my usual ratio) and kneaded for about 15 minutes. I really should have kneaded for much longer but I was so anxious to try this stuff, and had a long day.
The flavor reminded me a lot of Wow! kava, as it smells very peppery but tricks you as you put the shell up to your mouth and realize how mild tasting it actually is. I usually have a hard time downing shells after the second or so, but had no problem downing every shell last night. Flavor wise, great combination of peppery, rooty, earthy, kava-y, and almost minty. Really great stuff, I will definitely make a few shells of this kava for newbies.
About five minutes after my first shell I was sitting down working on the last few pages of a report for my organic chem class, when that familiar 'lighter gravity' feeling started to creep up on me. This feeling continued for about 20 minutes, when I finished up my work and downed another shell. I started reading and became entranced in the story. This is when I realized that this kava was a great pick for me, because I have not found many kavas which relax both my body -and- my mind in equal proportions of euphoria, allowing me to slip into whatever mind state I wished, and envision any thought or story with ease. It was wonderful. I downed the last few shells and put my book up to just lay back and relax. (Which always feels nice, I hardly ever get the opportunity anymore.) Man, this stuff rocks. It wasn't a 'krunked' feeling, and it wasn't so mellow I had to focus on it to feel it. It was just perfect, like a massage on both my muscles and my 'life stressors'. It just felt equivalent to that feeling of sitting in a nice hot tub after a long day, just blissful and therapeutic. I am overly impressed. I did have a difficult time falling asleep, so this is more a kava for relaxing and de-stressing, it isn't quite 'sedating' in its nature. At least not yet, that may change as I drink it more.
Overall, this kava is just -awesome-. You read it often around here that we all have to find the kava that fits us, and man, this is definitely one of them for me.
Thanks Judd!