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BKH Boroguru vs Fu'u


Kava Curious
After being disappointed with N@H Chief's Jungle (just wasn't that strong to me), I figured I would go back and look for another strain of kava. I have also tried Stone and really enjoyed that strain. It really made me intoxicated and was stronger than first anticipated. 
I have been seeing good reviews for both Boroguru and Fu'u. Apparently BKH is a really good vendor of kava. Which of these two strains do you all find to be more intoxicating? I like really strong kavas that make your senses feel... for lack of a better word, retarded. Any suggestions?


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
"Intoxicated"? What else are you putting in your kava? 
You're not going to find many kava strains that are going to get you "retarded". You can try Nakamal at Home's WOW kava but it's expensive. That's suppose to be really high up there in terms of effects.


Kava Curious
I was always under the impression that Stone was more powerful than boroguru (though I have never had Stone). If you want to feel it in your body Fu'u probably isn't what you want.


Kava Curious
I found Stone to be intoxicating. It definitely made it to where I was incapable of operating a motor vehicle. I'm not saying it was like downing alcohol or something, but it was most certainly a noticeable and pleasurable effect.

The only thing is that N@H's prices are really high. BKH seemed to have really good prices for the kava that they had. Does anyone have experience with either of these?

kl.Gray Owl

Kava Enthusiast
I have had all of Boroguru, Fu'u and Stone and Stone was much stronger and seemed closer to a body buzz to me. Neither Fu'u nor Boroguru got me "retarded" but Fu'u did seem stronger to me than Boroguru even though Fu'u is a "white" kava and milder tasting. I think your best bet is to probably either WOW or to add some Shaman instant to something else to intensify the effects, nothing inexpensive is going to make you "retarded". Have a look at the topic "Best Kava for Euphoria feeling". Kava By Rex Vanuatu 3 has a reputation for being strong, but has been out of stock for awhile. No kava is going to give you effects like MJ so if that is what you are going for you are going to be disappointed.
In terms of effects, I find kava similar to a higher dose of Flexeril (cyclobenzaprine) which is a muscle relaxant.  With a very strong brew, I find kava to be like Gabapentin or Ambien, or maybe benzos, it reduces anxiety and feels a little hypnotic, but I fall asleep before I feel much effects, it's not the kind of thing where I'm going to enjoy watching a movie or socializing.


Kava Curious
Thanks for the replies everyone. I think I may stick with Stone then. It seems ironic because Chief's Jungle apparently is supposed to be stronger, but I found it to be much weaker than Stone. I just wish their prices weren't so high. Oh well, I guess you get what you pay for.


Kava Enthusiast
I've found Stone to be stronger than Chief's, too, though will always have a soft spot for Chief's as it was the variety where I really got kava.  Stone for me is the most intoxicating of all (I've tried about a dozen different kava varieties at this point) in terms of sheer physical impairment.


Kava Enthusiast
I've bought 2 1/2kgs of boroguro over the last few months and have really enjoyed it. Before that I had been pretty loyal to KBRs tudei but found it bogged me down a little too much and thought the boroguro was a perfect medium between tudei and mabye stone, but I wanted to try something new for a change. I originally wanted to try KBR van 3 but their always out of stock when I'm looking to buy and from what I'd read the Fu'u was much like van3 but somewhat beter, so I ordered up 1/2 kg and it will be here tommorow. Judd mentioned that it mixes well with boroguro and I have some left so I'm gonna give that a try and see how it works out. I've been pretty loyal to the high DHM types and have kinda wandered from the kavain zone so this should be interesting.


Kava Curious
new2kava said:
I've bought 2 1/2kgs of boroguro over the last few months and have really enjoyed it. Before that I had been pretty loyal to KBRs tudei but found it bogged me down a little too much and thought the boroguro was a perfect medium between tudei and mabye stone, but I wanted to try something new for a change. I originally wanted to try KBR van 3 but their always out of stock when I'm looking to buy and from what I'd read the Fu'u was much like van3 but somewhat beter, so I ordered up 1/2 kg and it will be here tommorow. Judd mentioned that it mixes well with boroguro and I have some left so I'm gonna give that a try and see how it works out. I've been pretty loyal to the high DHM types and have kinda wandered from the kavain zone so this should be interesting.
Yeah definitely post back when you try the Fu'u. I'd be interested to have another perspective.


Kava Enthusiast
I got my Fu'u today about 2 days after I'd ordered it which is usaully the very fast shipping time I get from BKH. My first impression from examining the kava was being shocked at how finely it's powered, it's practically micronized. I'd bought about 1 kg of boroguro over about a 1 and 1/2 month span and that was very coarsely ground, but this was a perfect whitish tan powder with a very subtle smell. I had a few shells of boroguro waiting for the mail to arrive and was a tad krunked when I brewed up the Fu'u. I used about 1/3 cup kava to 10 ounces of warm water and let it soak for about 45 minutes. The one thing I noticed was that the powder sunk to the bottom very quickly where as boroguro could take hours of soaking before most of sank into the water. First I blended it was surprised at the amount of froth and foam that came up, which is usually a good sign. I then put it into a muslin bag and kneaded and squeezed for a while, a noticed that quite a bit escaped the bag and kava had alot of sentiment. The taste was very mild and went down very easily with a good amount of numbing action. I found that it kicked in pretty quickly and made me pretty mellow and happy. It's been a while since I had a high kavain strain and it is definatly pretty chill. I think this would be a good strain for someone who is a noob or has trouble with the taste of kava as well as kava for a kava enthusiest to have on hand for conisseur and selection diversification purposes.


Kava Enthusiast
jjs6067 said:
After being disappointed with N@H Chief's Jungle (just wasn't that strong to me), I figured I would go back and look for another strain of kava. I have also tried Stone and really enjoyed that strain. It really made me intoxicated and was stronger than first anticipated. 
I have been seeing good reviews for both Boroguru and Fu'u. Apparently BKH is a really good vendor of kava. Which of these two strains do you all find to be more intoxicating? I like really strong kavas that make your senses feel... for lack of a better word, retarded. Any suggestions?
If your looking to get the most noticably impaired off kava the most profound I've found is KBRs Isa/tudei, it's out of stock but should be in shortly. It has a really high DHM level and is very heavy on the body, the taste is also pretty rugged. The effect can be a little heavy and with hangover/next day effects so I found BKHs boroguro to be a good choice, it has alot of DHM and has a good effect on the body as well but isn't as hard to drink and doesn't lag into the next day. It's kind of hard to make a prediction that someone else will like. I recommend getting a high DHM strain and high kavain strain and seeing what kind is more appealing to you, BKH lists their kavalactone profiles and boroguro has the highest DHM and Fu'u the highest kavain. They are the only vendor I've come across that does that. I'd say try a few and then try mixing them as well to find your perfect kavalactone levels.


Kava Curious
new2kava said:
If your looking to get the most noticably impaired off kava the most profound I've found is KBRs Isa/tudei, it's out of stock but should be in shortly. It has a really high DHM level and is very heavy on the body, the taste is also pretty rugged. The effect can be a little heavy and with hangover/next day effects so I found BKHs boroguro to be a good choice, it has alot of DHM and has a good effect on the body as well but isn't as hard to drink and doesn't lag into the next day. It's kind of hard to make a prediction that someone else will like. I recommend getting a high DHM strain and high kavain strain and seeing what kind is more appealing to you, BKH lists their kavalactone profiles and boroguro has the highest DHM and Fu'u the highest kavain. They are the only vendor I've come across that does that. I'd say try a few and then try mixing them as well to find your perfect kavalactone levels. 
Yeah, I have been meaning to try a high Kavain kava. If I'm not mistaken, both chief's jungle and stone are high DHM strains, so I may try either Tongan Pride from KBR or Fu'u from BKH.


Kava Curious
jjs6067 said:
new2kava said:
If your looking to get the most noticably impaired off kava the most profound I've found is KBRs Isa/tudei, it's out of stock but should be in shortly. It has a really high DHM level and is very heavy on the body, the taste is also pretty rugged. The effect can be a little heavy and with hangover/next day effects so I found BKHs boroguro to be a good choice, it has alot of DHM and has a good effect on the body as well but isn't as hard to drink and doesn't lag into the next day. It's kind of hard to make a prediction that someone else will like. I recommend getting a high DHM strain and high kavain strain and seeing what kind is more appealing to you, BKH lists their kavalactone profiles and boroguro has the highest DHM and Fu'u the highest kavain. They are the only vendor I've come across that does that. I'd say try a few and then try mixing them as well to find your perfect kavalactone levels. 
Yeah, I have been meaning to try a high Kavain kava. If I'm not mistaken, both chief's jungle and stone are high DHM strains, so I may try either Tongan Pride from KBR or Fu'u from BKH.

IMHO you are better off with a couple cups of coffee than Tongan Pride. I would try either Fu'u or KBR Vanuatu 3 as both have "euphoria"/postive mood change. Tongan Pride is mostly just energy in my experience.