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BKH Kava Chemotypes

Bula Kava House

Portland, OR
Kava Vendor
Kava Bar Owner
A few people have asked me as of late what the chemotypes are for the
different kavas we sell. For those of you not familiar with chemotypes,
a brief explanation: The active ingredients in kava are a series of
lactones particular to the kava plant. We call these active ingredients
kavalactones. There are 15 kavalactones overall, the six kavalactones
that are most prevalent in all kava rootstocks were assigned numbers 1
through 6. A kava's chemotype can therefore be listed in a series of
numbers with the kavalactone in the highest content being the first in
the series, followed by the number assigned to the kavalactone which is
second most present, and so on. Confused yet?
Our kava chemotypes are as follows:
Melo Melo-Either 426135, or 426153. Not exactly sure to be honest, conflicting reports.
As you can see, our kava choices are fairly well rounded and we hope
to add some more in the future. Feel free to get in touch if you have
any questions regarding kava and its active ingredients.

This info and more is on our blog too.

We happily welcomed a Fijian kava farmer into BKH the other day. She was very knowledgeable (obviously),  and hung around and drank kava with us for a couple hours. It was great, she was all about kava drinking ritual and making sure everyone in the bar was clapping the right way and saying the right things. I'm super excited because we've been looking for some good Fijian kava for quite a while now. We talked about her providing some fantastic waka at a very good price which, as always, we will pass down to our customers. So keep a lookout for Waka hopefully coming soon.


May the Brew be with you
I found this:

"... the Fiji Kava has the lowest
percentages of kavain and dihydrokavain, while the Hawaii and Vanuatu Kava have the
highest percentages. The relative concentrations of kavain and dihydrokavain are important
to determine because these two kavalactones are critical to the anti-anxiety action of
kava. One can obtain kava cultivars that promote muscle relaxation over that of
anti-anxiety, and these "muscle-relaxing" cultivars will have a higher relative
concentration of the dihydromethysticin kavalactone"


May the Brew be with you
also found with Google:

Noble cultivar Origin Chemotype

Ahouia Tanna 426531
Amon Tanna 246513
Asiyai Aneityum 246531
Bir Kar Santo 246513
BirSul Santo 246531
Biyai Aneityum 426531
Borogoru Maewo 425361
Borogu Pentecost 423561
Gegusug Gaua 246531
Ge vemea Vanua Lava 245631
Ge wiswisket Gaua 246513
Kelai Epi 423516
Leay Tanna 246351
Melomelo Ambae 245361
Melmel Pentecost 246531
Miela Emae 426351
Naga miwok Vanua Lava 246351
Olitao Emae 245631
Palarasul Santo 246531
Palasa Santo 246531
Paliment Emae 426351
Pia Tanna 423516
Poivota Santo 243561
Pualiu Tongoa 246531
Puariki Tongoa 423156
Sese Pentecost 245631
Silese Malekula 423651
Urukara Santo 426531