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Borogu Kava preparation different from other Kava ?


Kava Curious
Hi everyone,

Just received my Borogu. Label behind prescribes mixing Kava with water and waiting 30-60min, then blending it for 30sec, etc. Whereas I'm used to the normal way (5-10min massage in nylon stockings). Can't I use the normal way with Borugu?


Kava Lover
I usually soak it first, for a good hour or two and then sometimes I blend but you don't have to, and then pour it in your nylon stockings and squeeze as normal :)

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
Soaking is key to making strong kava. Dry kava locks up kavalactones. You definitely want to soak a dry kava for at least half an hour.


Kava Lover
Kapmcrunk said:
Soaking is key to making strong kava. Dry kava locks up kavalactones. You definitely want to soak a dry kava for at least half an hour.
definitely. I even soak really fine ground kavas


May the Brew be with you
which Borogu is it? I have three different powders with this name from different vendors. Borogu from Bula is coarsely ground. This should be soaked. But I think this can be done in a strainer. Put the strainer with the Kava in water and wait 30 minutes before kneeding.


Kava Curious
@ObiWan: yep, it's from Bula. Now I understand why I can skip soaking with PK's Fiji or Hawaian but not with Bula's Borogu, it's because of the grounding quality. So 30-60 minutes soaking in the strainer then 5-10 minutes normal massage. Everybody agrees with that ?


May the Brew be with you
yes, should be o.k.

the advantage of coarsely grounded Kava is that you recognize when kneeding is enough. The water doesn't get darker.

With micronized Kava you can squeeze endless and the water always gets darker. But is only powder and not the contents.


Kava Enthusiast
Every kava vendor has slighty different directions for making kava. The recipe at the N@H website say to use 2 cups of water for every cup of kava, this would create some insanely potent grog and also deplete your stash rather quickly. Soaking is a personal preferance. I use a variation of N@H's recipe and use 1 cup of water boiling and disolve 1 tsp of soy lectin into it and then add a 16 oz can of room temperature coconut water, the two become warm but not hot. Then I add a fat 1/2 cup of root, I usually like to blend high kavain and high DHM strains to even out the buzz. I let it sit for around an hour until the kava stops floating and all sinks and settles to the bottom at which point I blend for 5-10 1 minute intervals. I notice that after 5+ minutes of blending the kava becomes quite warm and almost hot. Then I knead and squeeze for another 15 minutes and add a few ice cubes to my shell to make it cooler. While no vendor would put such directions on their labels, I doubt they would disagree with my method.


Kava Curious
I hope my question won't sound too silly, but for me an hour soaking with Borogu only made water a liiiiittle bit muddy. Like, maybe 5% as muddy as after 10min squeezing. Maybe I don't get the exact purpose of soaking?


Kava Lover
Soaking is not to get the good stuff into the water and it will not make the water very dark just from soaking. When you don't soak, all of the kava particles are hard and it is harder for them to release the kavalactones into the water. But when you soak it first, the particles absorb some of the water sort of like a sponge. And when they do this the particles are softer. Softer particles means its easier for kavalactones to escape into the water when you starts the kneading.


Kava Enthusiast
Yeah, it's more about softening the material to make it better to work with than anything else.