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Micronized Kava Review Boroguru - Micronized


Spiritual Empath Warrior
Personal: 5'11"/~140 lbs./20 years old/Active Lifestyle/Raw, Vegan Diet

Experience: 7 months; inconsistent use

According to Chris at Gourmet Hawaiian Kava, this particular variety of Boroguru has a chemotype of 243561; Interesting for Boroguru. I am more of a fan for heady kavas, so this harvest of Boroguru didnt quite satisfy. I have tried other Borogurus in the past and noticed strong heady effects mixed with anxiolytic. With this variety I really just spent my late evening wishing for a little more, but by my 3rd shell my vision was getting a bit crossy so another shell would not have done the trick without giving me total dizziness. However, I tried to rate this from more of an objective perspective and it really is a great micronized kava. I will clarify that I expected more of the mental energy and sublte euphoria I have experienced with Boroguru and other varieties, however this was by NO means a bad experience. By my 3rd shell I was well prepared for bed-time. Very good for evening usage or an afternoon of relaxation in lesser quantity. This variety shows a short medium intensity peak of headiness with minimal euphoria and later on sedative, muscle relaxing and anxiolytic properties that last longer. I was pleased with this nights brew for the lack of naseau that I have experienced with other kavas before. It may be due to the ginger and extras to my shells or simply the micronized form which, thanks to Chris, is free of makas. This was my first toss & wash of micronized so I was a bit apprehensive, however my experience included no troublesome side effects. Overall this was a pleasant experience and another excellent micronized kava variety. Another clarification is this experience is going on 4.5 hours, 1am here in Phoenix, and I am still experiencing the sedation strong. Anybody here find it difficult sometimes to go to sleep while experiencing such a pleasant feeling lol? Peace and Light!

Deleted User01

Nice review! I noticed strong sedation with the GHK Boroguru and lots of muscle relaxation. But that's not what I needed in the middle of the afternoon. I did sleep well however. That is definitely a night time kava.