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Powdered Kava Review Boroguru


❦ॐ tanuki tamer
{"Grade":8,"Potency":8,"Mind":4,"Body":6,"Anxiety":6,"Sedative":6,"Taste":"-3","Preparation":"8 Tablespoons, 2 cups of water, rolling pin method.","Duration":"","SideEffects":"","Headline":"it's noble, affordable and an excellent nightcap."}
Boroguru is certainly one of the better and more affordable kavas on the market. It has a spicy and fairly unpleasant taste to it, but the effects are well worth it. An initial rush gives way to a pleasant and mild muscle relaxing effect.

It is quite effective as a painkiller for certain types of pain -- for instance it pretty much eliminates delayed onset muscle soreness from intensive exercise. It also helps me get to sleep. I wouldn't say it is powerfully sedating, but it allows me to slow my brain down enough to the point where I can get to sleep.

This is basically my go-to kava at the moment. It's not the most potent kava compared to heavy hitters like Stone and Koniak, but it's noble, affordable and an excellent nightcap.
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