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Powdered Kava Review Boroguru


Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
Review Maestro
Don't let the 3 rating fool you. 3 is a pretty good rating to me. Effective, but middle of the road, in all departments.
It might go against popular opinion around here, but I didn't find this kava to be very strong or outstanding. Rather, I see it more as tamed version of a stronger 'full-sprectum' kava. Suitable for beginners or daily drinkers that want a full-feeling noble, that you won't accidentally overdo it with. And that has it's own worth.

-The smell was very nutty/creamy. It smelled delicious. Much more like kavain/root stump kavas.
-The taste was earthy and slightly bitter, but mild. It didn't linger, gag me, encourage me to spit or require an immediate chaser.
-The mental effects were enough to lift my mood and breathe life into the usual mundanity.But never enough to achieve any head rushes or meditative states,where you can get deep into music and love every moment. Even with stronger doses & quicker drinking, I couldn't get there.
-The sedative effect was ideal, for me. Just enough to slow you down, but not so much to make you groggy and sleepy too quickly.
-The muscular effect definitely eases the tension in your body, which is great....but not to the point of full-on muscle melt or body tingles.
-The anxiolytic effect is good. Enough to perfectly calm me down and still be 'normal'...

...but not capable of producing the full destruction of anxiety that I get from a few strains, at this dosage. The state where I'm completely happy sitting in silence, or in the dark listening to music...doing absolutely nothing.(kava-lala-land) Instead, I always felt the need to remain (calmly) engaged in watching TV or doing stuff on the computer until I sleep.

This is more likely to be the Borogoru from Maewo Island rather than the Pentecost style 'medicinal' Borogoru, that many of us may have become accustomed to. All-in-all, It's a good well rounded kava for just about anybody. And it has another perk; In the search for a more affordable, full-spectrum kava, that is guaranteed 100% noble...this is the one. $38 vs. $52.
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Deleted User01

Yeeehaaaa, another good review from Shakas! Just admit it Shakas, you were born to consume Hawaiian Kava and no other.

Deleted User01

The only Mexican Kava I ever saw was smoked, not stirred. :D Now go back to your "carne asada" and don't forget to bring Shakas Fajas.

Deleted User01

Dried Root, Dried Meat, and fefore you know it, you are selling Breakfast Tacos. Maybe the Makas give you the munchies? Should we ask Chris if Makas gives Munchies?:rolleyes: Shakas Makas, Machacas and Munchie Shack. Barbacoa los Domingos.