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Bula (Soda Drink)


Kava Curious
I buy these fairly often just to have something while I wait for my Kava Kava to arrive in the mail, they taste pretty darn good, as for effect.. well Their is some mild effect but nothing like a few shells (or even one shell) of Shaman Kava. but still taste good and help take the edge off of social situations. on the website http://bulabeverage.com/ under "Locations" you can see where you can buy the product Locally, they have them at the 7-11 a few blocks from my house.

Each can contains:
100mg of Kava root extract
20mg Rose Hips extract
20mg Valerian root extract

40mg Niacin (vitamin b3)
10mg Vitamin B6
10mcg Vitamin B12

A side note, I read Daily use can deplete the B Vitamins so this would be a great drink for in-between Kava use to replenish them! (correct me If I'm wrong)

EDIT: They may also be good for newbies to, as they say "Pay their debt to the kava gods" But I am unsure of how well this would work being its not very much kava, but it sure could not hurt!


Kava Enthusiast
I know this is a old thread, but a while ago I tried something along these lines. Its called Mary Janes Soda, I ordered a 24 pack back when it was pretty cheap before all the buzz. Throughout a bout a month i went through 20 of these and felt like i threw away 40 bucks on nothing. I was pretty pissed, and just stopped drinking them. A week later I think, I gave them another try, and had one. It felt pretty damn good, like I had just had a light beer, very good buzz. I think drinking those 20 or so helped me pay my dues to actually enjoy them. Now it costs like 70 bucks for a 24 pack to be shipped which is lame, but if you ever see these drinks and are avid kava users, give them a try! 2-3 are good for a nicee afternoon buzz :)