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Calling all Kava Lounge


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
I've learned a lot of things from my kava experience. How to let things slide, be a little more positive when things are looking a little more negative. Most of all, do a little something for the next guy...or girl. All of us here have our ups and downs. We may not outright talk about it but it seems to me that we all pull together for a common good whether there is Kava flowing at the moment or not. 
A woman I see frequenting another forum has a close friend that was hit during the Aurora City movie theater attack. There is a link to more about her story and a place to donate funds. On top of trying to pay for the life saving neurosurgery her mother is having a relapse of cancer that has come back with a vengeance so they are also trying to raise money to help pay for experimental cancer treatment. In total they are trying to raise at least $250,000. I don't know any of these people personally but we are still part of a community in one way or another. What's one of the things kava is about? Yeah, community. 
With all that having been said, I wanted to post the link to the donation page here to help spread the word and see if we can help reach that goal of $250,000. 
Anderson Family Medical Fund
Anderson Family Facebook
Thank you very much Vekta! Petra and I went to college together and graduated this year from the Conservatory of Music at University of the Pacific.  Petra's boyfriend is one of my best and closest friends, and I have been hearing about Petra's mother Kim and her struggle with cancer over the past couple of years.  My mother has stage 4 bone and breast cancer, and much of what Petra has gone through I understand on a personal level.  When I heard just a few weeks ago that Kim had relapsed and was given around 6 months to live, I felt both heartbroken and angry.  A few years ago my mother was given one year, two years tops to live.  She participated in a clinical trial and has outlived her "sentence" by over a year and in remission.  Kim's insurance will not pay for any more cancer treatments, and basically because Kim doesn't have as much money as my parents do she has not been afforded the same opportunities and care that my mother has.  This more than anything drives me to help their family and save Kim's life.  The healthcare system in America seriously pisses me off! 

Then I get the call at 10 am on Friday morning, and it is my friend in tears telling me that Petra was shot in the head and the bullet was lodged in her skull.  I couldn't even believe it, he told me he got the call a few hours ago and caught the first flight he could to Denver.  What's even worse about this situation is that Petra was supposed to be in Maine for the Bowdoin International Music Festival, but decided to stay home for the summer when she found out about her mother's diagnoses. 

It truly is a miracle that Petra survived, and even more so that she has regained almost all of her cognitive function!  Turns out Petra has a channel of fluid that runs through her brain, and the pellet that struck her in the nose traveled through that channel and missed all the major areas of the brain.  This situation, although daunting, has been such a miracle.  Hopefully Petra will have recovered enough to go to Grad school in the fall like she planned, she has a full ride plus a teaching assistant position. 

Thank you for thinking of her and keeping her in your prayers. 



Oh, wow. Geez, I am really sorry to hear all of this, but at the same time share the happiness for the better news. I can't donate at the moment but when I can, believe that I will.


Ozia - KavaKava Candy
Kava Vendor
Petra's courage is inspiring as she moves along in her recovery.  Although I do not know her, her strength is an inspiration and testament to the human soul.  As I thought about my own sister who lives close to Aurora and visits that theater on occasion, I could not image what agony those closest to the tragedy feel.  Although small, I hope my donation continues to make the recovery wheel turn while spreading thoughts and action in people that I know.  All the best to Petra's recovery and the family.


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
Just a heads up to everyone that is waiting on paypal.

It's up and running and ready to take donations again.