2 shells of kava is usually enough to give me a satisfying buzz, but I had a stressful day at work so I decided to prepare 3 shells instead. After drinking, the effects came on after 15 minutes and continued to build for another hour and a half after that. I listened to music the whole time and was feeling very euphoric and just slightly nauseous (from the taste I assume, because it usually makes me gag). But somewhere along the line the sedation became overwhelming like I had took some Nyquil. I was also feeling very cold for some reason. I was too tired to listen to music so I put on a thick coat and layed down and took a short nap. The extreme sedation and chills was a complete buzzkill (I was wishing I had stopped at 2 shells). So, I only slept for about 15 minutes because I hate napping when it's not even completely dark yet, and when I woke up I was still cold so I took my temperature and it was 100.5 degrees. It was about 2.5 hours since I drank the kava and the mental effects were starting to wear off, but the fever would remain for another 3 hours before dropping by about 2 degrees back to normal. It was kinda weird because I've drank 4 shells at once before and never had this happen. Could this have just been a coincidence?