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Can you be an occasional drinker and still stay ahead of reverse tolerance?


Kava Enthusiast
I was drinking kava 2-3 times per week for a long time without getting great results, finally I started drinking every day in an attempt to beat my reverse tolerance. Now I find myself drinking every day just to stay on top of my RT, rather than actually wanting to drink everyday. Ideally I'd like to drink a couple of times per week but I fear that might not be possible for me because of my seemingly strong tolerance to the stuff.
I know most people on here are daily drinkers, but is there anyone here who drinks it with less frequency and still gets the full effect when they do?


Kava Enthusiast
Yea, I remember Vekta saying he gets by on a couple of tablespoons twice a week or so. I'm not anywhere near as sensitive to kava as that though! I need at least 4 tablespoons to feel anything, and usually 6 to get the desired effects.


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
Some people can, some can't.

After about 2 weeks it starts to fade and I need to put a little more into me to get back up to par. It doesn't really diminish that much so I don't really pay attention to it.

I have a close friend who's one of those. It doesn't matter how long she goes without it, still hits her like a truck. Kava Candy hits her like a truck if she takes more than 1 at a time.